Title: 蘇珊˙柯林斯《飢餓遊戲》中的擬像、異質空間及性別展演
The Postmodern Simulacrum, Heterotopia and Gender Performativity in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games Trilogy
Authors: 蔡瑋婷
Tsai, Wei-Ting
Chang, I-Chu
Keywords: 《飢餓遊戲》三部曲;蘇珊˙柯林斯;全球化;世界體系理論;草根性全球化;異質空間;圓形監獄;擬像;性別展演;變裝;The Hunger Games trilogy;Suzanne Collins;globalization;World Systems theory;grassroots imagination;heterotopia;Panopticon;simularcrum;gender performativity;cross-dressing
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本論文以全球化寓言的方式,討論蘇珊˙柯林斯的《飢餓遊戲》三部曲。本文論述重點除貧窮及飢餓外,並點出柯林斯以當今社會問題為藍本,利用誇大手法,勾勒於虛構的後現代國家中,統治者對其人民不平等的統治、社會貧富差距以及政府對人民的監控。 此論文分為三個部分。第一部分以全球化下的西方霸權主義,造成全球資源分配不均為根據,探討《飢餓遊戲》三部曲中「施惠國」的饑饉與貧窮問題,闡述小說中各區資源分配的落差乃呈現當今全球化資源分配不均狀況。此外,本章論述虛幻存在的「第十三區」,做為「施惠國」的異質空間,如何同時呈現且翻轉事實及烏托邦。第二部分研究《飢餓遊戲》三部曲中的後現代媒體文化現象,利用布希亞之後現代擬像及傅柯的圓形監獄理論,並以相機鏡頭及電視螢幕為例,析述監視與反監視的效果。第三部分討論女主角凱妮絲˙艾佛丁及都城統治者的性別展演及變裝。本章以巴特勒的性別理論及變裝為基礎,析論《飢餓遊戲》三部曲中的「變裝」是一把不僅能使表演者形象具體化,更開啟了書中顛覆可能性的雙面刃。最後,本論文總結柯林斯對小說中低階層人民的聲援,強調在全球化下底層社會反動的力量之強大。小說中的描述,或可在全球化造成區域發展不均的情況下,提供一些啟示。
This thesis discusses the impact of globalization as an allegory in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games trilogy. Along with tropes of poverty and famine, I will discuss how The Hunger Games trilogy expands its scope by creating a post-modern country and exaggerating the unequal governance, wealth inequality and surveillance in our world. This thesis will be divided into three chapters. The first is an exploration on Western imperialism in discussing global poverty and famine concerning my arguments that the world of Panem is the microcosm of the circumstances in our world in the wake of globalization. Moreover, I will employ Foucault’s theory of heterotopia to discuss the phantasmatic existence of District Thirteen, and investigate how the heterotopia co-presents and reverses reality and utopia in the nation of Panem. Secondly, I will explicate Baudrillard’s theory of simulacrum and the Panopticon theory noted by Foucault in discussing the postmodern cultural phenomenon in The Hunger Games trilogy by means of surveillance through cameras and televisuality. Thirdly, this thesis will investigate the performativity in different aspects: gender performativity, drag and cross-dressing, which I expound Butler’s notion of drag as the double-edged weapon, which either reifies the drag performer or opens up the potential site for subversion as well as the mechanism in mobilizing collective identities. Finally, this thesis concludes with Collins’ acknowledgement and support of people from the bottom. All in all, we readers may draw inspiration from descriptions of the novels to get better notice on regional development disparities in the wake of globalization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis