標題: 異質共構
作者: 朱慧真
Chu, Hui-Chen
C David Tseng
關鍵字: 異質共構;異質性;自行車;學生活動中心;背包客;停車場;爆米香;Heterogeneousness;Hetero;Bicycle;Student Activity Center;Backpacker;Parking Lot;BO Mi Pang
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 異質共構 1986年,米榭•傅柯在〈論其他空間〉一文中提出了對社會空間論述,藉由此種觀念來重構我們的生活空間,排除任何的原始用意與價值,進而重新定義空間的屬性。傅柯也提及了兩種差異政治的抵抗空間,烏托邦(utopias)與異托邦(heterotopias): ”烏托邦是一種虛構的空間(unreal space),沒有位置的場域(sites with no place),試圖以完美的形式呈現社會。(Foucault, 1986: 24)異質空間則是真實的空間,有位置存在,但屬於對立的場域(counter-sites),是「一種有效建立的烏托邦」(a kind of effectively enacted utopia),其位置處於所有位置之外,但確實存在現實中”。(林宇玲,2008) 異托邦(heterotopia)結合了異質性(hetero-)與空間(-topia)兩字。出現在不同的文化、不同的時期,但也可能採取不同的形式。或是社會改變時,異托邦(異質空間)也會以不同的方式運作。在十八世紀,墓園皆是坐落在市中心而且緊鄰教堂,但隨著時代的變遷,人們對於死亡的看法也從「不朽」轉成「病禍」,墓園因此迫遷至郊區。或多半呈現兩極化現象,虛幻的異托邦,在真實世界以隔間的方式一個一個分開展示,像是妓院。 至此,異質空間皆被定義為一種別於一般常態的空間(墓園、監獄或是精神病院,一些危機的異質空間) 或是一種虛幻的氛圍,就像前面提及的是有位置存在的,但屬於對立的場域。然而現今,因社會價值的改變原有的異質空間不再被特例冠上異質性。例如:某些監獄因時間而慢慢失去它該有的使用,而轉變成另類的觀光景點或是其他性的空間場域。 在本論文中,異質共構(heterogeneousness)的異質性(hetero)不再指特異氛圍或特異空間,而是指兩者相異性質的空間,因時代的變遷,或者是因生活方式的轉變,重新被組合,異質之增添嵌入,造成的異質共構。在當代,車站與購物中心的結合。因現代人忙碌的生活造成的快速生活步調,在每天必經的車站中開始與購物中心作另一種互利結合,讓通勤的人們可以快速的滿足生活的需求,同時也因為這樣的結合,讓想購物的人們可直接因交通便利而更快速的到達此購物中心。 因此異質性(hetero)是指使用者的不同需求的空間(-topia)。周遭的事物總是因時間很快速的經歷盛興至衰敗、沒落,甚至是被淘汰。建築也是如此,這是我們不可避免的現實。我們可以藉著新構造、新思維、新技術或新科技,對建築空間的想像、組合重新再詮釋,在新的時代裡創造新的可能與新的生活,產生另一種異質空間的建築的可能性。 本論文匯集了四個部分的共構關係 : 1>自行車X學生活動中心 2>背包客X停車場 3>爆米香X3C科技館 4>雨水X鬆餅屋 分別由曾成德/曾瑋/郭英釗/Carlos Arnaiz…指導完成
Heterogeneousness In 1986, Michel Foucault < Of Other Spaces> This paper provides a discussion social space, through such concepts to reconstruct our living space, excluding any other original intention and redefining space properties. Foucault also provides the differences between the two spaces, Utopia and Heterotopia: "Utopia is unreal space, sites with no place, trying to perfect the form to show society. (Foucault, 1986: 24) Heterotopia is real space, opposite but belong counter-sites, is a kind of effectively enacted utopia, the location in all outside, but it does exist in reality " (Lin, Yu-ling,2008) Heterotopia combines “hetero-” and “-topia”. In different cultures, different times, it may take different form. When social change, heterotopia moves in a different form. In the eighteenth century, the cemeteries are all located in the city center and close to the church, with the time changes, people view death from the "immortal" into "painful", cemetery forced to move to suburbs. The illusion Heterotopia exhibits like compartment individually, like a brothel. Until now, the heterotopia are not defined as a general form in the space (cemetery, prison or mental hospital, as the heterotopia of the crisis), or an illusory atmosphere, as previously mentioned there is a position exists, but are opposite sites. But today, due to changes in the value of social heterotopia of the original space is not a special. For: some prison time and losing it for the others use, and into an alternative tourist attractions or other sites of space. In this paper, the hetero of heterogeneousness no like a specific atmosphere or a specific space to world, due to changing times, lifestyle changes, re-combination in the be a heterogeneousness. In the world, the combination of stations and shopping centers. Because people's lives caused by the fast pace of life, must pass through the station every day to start shopping for another benefit with the combination, so that people can commute to quickly meet the needs of life, but also because the a combination, people can be a direct result of shopping convenience and faster traffic to reach the shopping center. Hetero refers to the different needs of users of the topia. Everything around us always flourishes, decays, declines, and eliminated quickly due to time. Architecture also does, this is the inevitable reality. We can by the new structure, new thinking and new technology, the imagination of space, re-interpretation and recombine, create new possibilities and new life, with all the imagination with heterotopia. This paper brings the four parts of the heterogeneousness: 1> Bike X Student Activity Center 2> Backpacker X Parking Lot 3> BO Mi Pang X 3C-Store 4> Rain X Muffin House By C David Tseng / Wei Tseng/ Ying-Chao Kuo /Carlos Arnaiz ... guidance to complete