標題: 參考系統的理解、歸納、推演 - 活動的再創造
The understanding, inducing, and extending of reference system - re-creating of activity
作者: 林宜弘
Lin, Yi Hong
Kung, Shu-Chang
關鍵字: 參考系統;活動;reference system;activity
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 建築一直是一種整合的領域,我們所處理的建築已經不只是純粹空間的美學,而逐漸要與真實生 活中的不同規則和現況去做聯繫,這些規則或現況可能是大尺度的都市交通系統,也可能是藝術 架構下對於表達方式的定義,或者是真實社會環境在成本、政府政策、和建商之間的因果關係。 我將這樣的規則定義為建築的參考系統,藉由對於系統的瞭解和歸納,找出其中建築的空間手法 可以著力的地方,進而重新定義原有的系統。 對於空間序列的再創造、對於建築材料和感受的連接、對於社群活動的重新思考都因為新的系統 而有所突破。空間的介入便像是系統的螺絲一般讓整個參考規則有了新的運作,空間就能夠有新 的變化。 建築空間雖然不能發明新的活動,但是藉由創造不同系統下的空間特質,活動與活動之間也會相 互影響並且創造全新的活動,帶給人更多豐富的記憶與感受。
Architecture is an integrated subject. We are not just dealing with pure spacial esthetics, but also connect with different rules and reality in real life. These rules could be traffic system in master scale, or representation of definition in art, or the relationship of government, economic, and real state business in society. I define these rules as the reference system of architecture. By understanding and extending, I focus on the points that can be manipulate with space, and redefine the system. Due to the new system, we can create new space order, connect deep feeling between material and space, and rethink about social activity. The intervention of space gives the system a new rule, and also gives new kind of opportunity. Space may not create new activity. But by creating new reference system. The activities can effect each other and create new activity. Bringing people more memory and feeling.


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