Title: 國家競爭力與追求世界一流大學之卓越政策
National Competitiveness and the Excellence Policy of Pursuing World Class Universities
Authors: 施曉晴
Keywords: 國家競爭力;世界一流大學;世界大學排名;卓越政策;national competitiveness;world class university;world class university ranking;excellence policy
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 知識經濟的深化,建設高等教育、發展頂尖大學已成為世界各國參與全球競爭、提高國家競爭力必然的選擇。就大學來說,高等教育市場化的結果,各國的大學必須提高國際競爭力與吸引力;就國家發展而言,面對全球激烈競爭,世界各國必須藉由發展國家之創新能力才能在腦力競爭時代嶄露頭角。因此,發展世界一流大學的卓越政策成為各國政府發展高等教育的首要任務。
As knowledge economy reinforces, enhancing the competition of higher education and establishing top university are inevitable. In response to the trend of higher education marketization, universities have to improve their international competitiveness. Governments in many countries therefore launched academic excellence-driving policy with generous financial incentives.
The core purpose of this study is to investigate the excellence policy of pursuing world class universities. First of all, the thesis examines the association between the national competitiveness and the higher education competitiveness. Secondly, the thesis investigates the relationship between the higher education competitiveness and the global university ranking. Thirdly, the thesis analyzes and compares the excellence policy of developing world class universities. Methods adopted in this study are document analysis and comparative analysis. Finally, the implications of the results for Taiwan are discussed.
Results indicate that there is a positive relationship between the national competitiveness and global university ranking. In other words, the more top universities, the better higher education competitiveness is, and eventually advancing the national competitiveness.
Appears in Collections:Thesis