標題: 逝者真的已矣?青壯年喪偶者與逝者持續性連結經驗之研究
Continuing Bonds Experiences of Middle-aged People after Losing their Spouses
作者: 陳采熏
Chen, Tsai-Shiun
Hsu, Ying-Chu
關鍵字: 青壯年喪偶;持續性連結;悲傷調適;middle-aged bereaved spouse;continuing bonds;grief;bereaved adjustment
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究目的在於深入了解青壯年喪偶者所經驗到與逝者持續性連結現象內涵,採用質化研究典範中的現象學取向,以半結構深度訪談,共訪談四位青壯年喪偶者,所獲得的結論如下: (一) 將青壯年喪偶者持續性連結經驗區分成三部分「無法承受的生死分離」、「生活充滿追思與憑弔亡者的絕望」、「超越死亡的逝者恆存與再現」。 (二) 持續性連結勾起倖存者對逝者的正負向情感,反映倖存者對逝者關係的詮釋,以及倖存者對於逝者死亡的調適狀態。 (三) 持續性連結之意義建構面向,建構亡者帶給倖存者的生命啟示。 (四) 華人社會文化脈絡下持續性連結型態包括:「來世」、「子嗣血脈相傳」、「亡者擁有神力」,而「無常」與「命運」的概念納入倖存者持續性連結的意義系統。 (五) 持續性連結的調適功能在於投射、宣洩與解構喪偶者的傷慟,正向的持續性連結能修補與轉化青壯年喪偶者與逝者的缺憾和負向持續性連結。 研究者並據此結論提供喪偶者、諮商專業助人工作者與未來研究建議。
The objective of this thesis explores continuing bonds (CBs) experiences of 4 middle-aged bereaved spouses by semi-structured in-depth interviews, based on the qualitative approach, phenomenology paradigm. The CBs experiences of middle-aged people after losing their spouses were explored as follows. 1. Phases of CBs are "unbearable separation", "living death" and "permanent deceased". 2. The influences of CBs on mood regulation are both positive and negative, refering to relationship between the survival and the deceased. 3. CBs bring about the insight of life after death for the survival. 4. CBs are shaped by traditional Chinese culture, including the concept of "afterlife", "children as a symbol of the deceased", "supernatural power of the deceased", "uncertain life" and "Fate". 5. CBs are the way to project, express and reframe grief of the survival. Positive CBs help survivals work through their lost and transform negative CBs. Finally, suggestions to bereaved spouse, counselors and future researchers were offered by this thesis.


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