标题: 运用数位论证模式提升学生论证与PISA科学能力之研究
Promote students’ argumentation ability and PISA scientific competencies through the use of digital scientific argumentation
作者: 杨文宗
关键字: PISA科学能力;科学论证;网路化学习;PISA scientific competencies;scientific proof;network learning
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 运用数位论证模式提升学生论证与 PISA 科学能力之研究
研究生:杨文宗 指导教授:佘晓清 博士
摘 要
其次在数位论证学习历程方面,显示科学能力总分上,两种数位论证的教学模式随着单元的学习有显着进步的趋势,即两种教学模式对于学生科学能力的学习成效相当,但两种教学未达显着。在科学论证总次数上,两种数位论证教学模式在各单元学习课程中Level 1(概念正确且论证要素部分完整)与Level 2(概念正确且论证要素是完整)的论证总次数表现上的确有差异,个人论证总次数表现比小组论证好。同时在Level 2论证次数的表现上有显着差异也受教学模式影响。在论证历程中论证各要素宣称(C)、依据(W)、支持(B)、反驳(R),两组在Level 2论证次数的表现上有显着差异也受教学模式影响,即个人论证比小组论证表现佳。

Promote students’ argumentation ability and PISA scientific competencies through the use of digital scientific argumentation

Student:Wen-Tsung Yang Advisor:Hsiao-Ching She, Ph.D
National Chiao Tung University, Institute of Education
This study aims to to examine the difference in effectiveness between two digital scientific argumentation programs – one with an group argumentation component and one with an self-argumentation component – on 8th students’ physical science argumentation ability and PISA scientific competencies. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. Two classes of 8th grade students received the on-line group argumentation learning program involving physical science concepts, and the other two classes of 8th grade students received the same on-line self-argumentation learning program, for six weeks. All 118 students were administered the physical science concepts test, physical science concept dependent formulating scientific issue test, and physical science dependent argumentation test before and one week after learning. In addition, both group students’ on-line argumentation, formulating scientific issue process was collected. Results showed that the students of both groups made progress from pre- to post-test on their physical science concepts, physical science concept dependent formulating scientific issue test, and physical science dependent argumentation test. Only the physical science dependent argumentation test shows the significant difference between two on-line argumentation groups. The self-argumentation group significantly outperform than to the group-argumentation group on their argumentation ability. Regression results indicated that hold of physical scientific conceptions is the best predicator for students’ ability of PISA scientific competencies, followed by argumentation ability. The quantity and quality of on-line physical scientific arguments that students generated in a series of argumentation questions improved across the six topics, and the self-argumentation group’s students outperform than to the group-argumentation students. The qualitative results of on-line PISA scientific competencies were equally perform for both groups. This clearly demonstrates that students’ argumentation ability and PISA scientific competencies were both facilitated through receiving either self or group on-line Synchronous Argumentation physical science learning program. More important, the student’s argumentation ability significantly performs better while self-digital argumentation was used, regardless of the quantitative or qualitative data.

Keywords: PISA scientific competencies, scientific proof, network learning


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