Title: 壓電管之奈米精度定位及其應用於掃瞄探針顯微鏡
Nanopositioning of Piezotube and Its Application to Scanning Probe Microscopy
Authors: 梁仁德
Jen-Te Liang
Tzong-Shi Liu
Keywords: 壓電管;奈米;掃描探針顯微鏡;piezotube;nanometer;SPM
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 在奈米領域中,掃描探針顯微技術是一項重要的工具。為了具有可攜性,利用壓電管直接做二維平面的掃描來取代二維平台是最常見的方法。本研究旨在控制壓電管的撓曲位移,使其達到奈米精度的定位,再進一步架設掃描探針顯微鏡的讀頭。本研究證實利用應變計做為壓電管撓曲位移之感測器的可行性,再搭配MATLAB的xPC架構及I/O卡建置即時控制系統。在控制法則上,採用對模型之不確定性及外界干擾有強健性的順滑模態控制。最後架設一掃描穿遂電流顯微鏡,藉由掃描標準片得到應變計訊號對應的位移。實驗結果證實利用壓電管奈米精度定位控制,製作掃描探針顯微鏡的讀頭,能夠實現4.9奈米掃描解析度的量測功能。只需更換探針座,本研究成果也能直接應用於原子力顯微鏡。
In the field of nanotechnology, scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is an indispensable tool. In order to be portable, this study uses a PZT tube instead of a PZT stage to scan a two-dimensional plane. This thesis aims to control the bending displacement of a PZT tube with nano precision, and apply it to a probe head in SPM. At first, this study verified feasibility of using strain gauges for sensing bending displacement. The experimental setup contains xPC Target with a MATLAB software and an I/O card for real time control. Sliding mode control, which is robust with respect to model uncertainty and noise, is used for positioning. Finally, by scanning a standard sample, the PZT tube is applied to a probe head in scanning tunneling microscopy. It demonstrates in experiments that scanning resolution of 4.9 nm is achieved. This research result can also be directly applied to atomic force microscopy, as long as the probe head is replaced.
Appears in Collections:Thesis