標題: 負面遺產在當代的詮釋:以金門戰地觀光為例
Contemporary Interpretations of Negative Heritage:Kinmen Battlefield Tourism
作者: 陳璐誼
關鍵字: 負面遺產;世界遺產;戰地記憶;導遊敘事;觀光政策;Negative Heritage;World Heritage;Battlefield Memory;our guide narrative;Tourism Policy
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 金門自古為兵家必爭之地,西元14世紀末明朝為抵禦倭寇侵擾,民初歷經日本佔領長達八年之久,1949年中國大陸淪陷後,中國共產黨軍隊企圖佔領金門以進攻臺灣與澎湖,而單單八二三砲戰的落彈量就近百萬發。金門戰地文化是從「熱戰」到「冷戰」,以致於邁向目前「和平共處」階段。 在本論文中用「負面遺產」的概念作為理解金門過去的歷史脈絡,在全球多元的旅遊型態下,負面遺產被定義作為一個過去衝突的場所,從一個收集容納負面集體記憶的地方轉變成為一個被消費的空間,探討不同層次的政府、居民與導遊,他們如何看待負面遺產在當代以觀光模式之詮釋。 本文意圖指出,不同社會位置的人對於金門負面遺產於當代以觀光詮釋,不論身分的歸屬,多數都以「經濟價值」的面向作為回應的中心思想。政府部門把戰地設施視為發展觀光的元素;多數居民以「經濟」的角度去思考,少數人認為它具有「教育意義」;敘事者述說金門過去的基地經濟與過去戰爭的背景等。
In the past, Kinmen was a battleground. In the 14th century, Ming Dynasty, Kinmen was often intruded by pirates. During the early Republic of China period, Japanese government occupied Kinmen for eight years. In 1949, the Communist Party controlled China and attempted to attack Taiwan, Penghu and Kinmen. After that time, Kinmen culture transformed from "Hot War" to "Cold War". And now, Kinmen already entered the "peaceful coexistence" stage. In this thesis, I applied the concept of " Negative Heritage " to understand the historical context of Kinmen. “Negative Heritage” is defined as a place which was once battleground and accommodated negative collective memory. But after the war ended the place transformed into a consumer space. It offers the government, residents and tour guides to explore how they conceptualize the negative heritage in contemporary interpretations. In my argument, I think the people in the different social position all have their opinions about the negative heritage of Kinmen. Regardless of the identity of vesting, the majority people raise the "economic value" as a response of negative heritage. The Kinmen government considered to use the battlefield facilities as the elements for tourism development. Besides, the majority residents also understand the negative heritage as economic-based. Those who considered the negative heritage as educational are the minority. It offers the tour guides to describe the Kinmen's past economic and background of the war.