標題: 微處理器之快速溫度評估技術
A Fast Thermal Estimation for Microprocessor
作者: 陳冠中
Chen, Quan-Chung
Tsao, Shiao-Li
關鍵字: 溫度評估;Thermal Estimation
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 先進微處理器可以透過熱能管理技術大幅改進其效能與可靠性,而獲得微處理器內部各個位置上精確的溫度資訊則是熱能管理中重要的第一步。但是,在使用軟體模型獲取詳細的溫度資訊上,需要花費相當的運算時間以及記憶體空間才能獲得,以至於不是所有求得溫度的方法都可以適用於動態溫度管理。在本論文中,我們提出一個新的溫度評估模型,有效地獲得微處理器詳細的溫度分佈。其實驗結果與知名溫度模擬器HotSpot只有0.3至1.5%的溫度差異,但有著34至47倍的運算速度提升,且僅消耗其0.45%的記憶體使用率。
To obtain detail thermal distribution of a microprocessor is one of critical tasks for thermal management which improves the reliability, performance, etc. of modern microprocessors significantly. However, thermal simulator requires considerable computation time and memory space to provide fine-grained temperature information, and hence may not be suitable for dynamic thermal management. In this thesis, we propose a novel model to efficiently derive detailed temperature information of a microprocessor. The thermal simulation results produced by the proposed model have merely 0.3% to 1.5% differences between that generated by HotSpot with 34 to 47 times speedup in computation and only 0.45% of the memory usage.