Title: 在NCTUns平台上模擬LTE-Advanced Relay Networks
Simulating LTE-Advanced Relay Networks over the NCTUns Network Simulator
Authors: 趙國雄
Chao, Kuo-Hsiung
Wang, Shie-Yuan
Keywords: NCTUns;網路模擬器;LTE;Relay;NCTUns;Network Simulator;LTE;Relay
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 隨著科技的進步以及大眾生活型態的改變,使用者對於行動通訊網路傳輸速率的需求也越來越高,因此近年來,行動通訊技術一直是網路方面的發展重點,例如:LTE (Long Term Evolution,長期演進)和WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability of Microwave Access,全球互通微波存取)。目前已有許多國家開始投入使用LTE,LTE的商業建置正如火如荼地展開,由於全球電信營運商一致看好LTE成為下一代行動寬頻技術主流,在LTE-Advanced標準規範制定出來以後,大部分主要電信設備廠商也都加快腳步投入LTE-Advanced技術。 然而目前並沒有使用LTE-Advanced技術的基地台,因此若要進行LTE-Advanced相關的研究,除非自行建造實體基地台和終端設備,否則便只能透過軟體模擬技術和數學推導公式進行研究結果的驗證。若要實際佈建網路拓樸,此方式成本極高,因此,本篇論文的動機便是希望能在NCTUns (NCTU Network Simulator)上打造一個LTE-Advanced Relay Networks模擬平台,讓對LTE-Advanced Relay Networks有興趣的研究者,可以方便地使用此模擬平台進行更深入的研究與探討。
As the growth of the technology and the change of the life style, users need much higher data rates for mobile communication networks. In recent years, one of the topics of the network development is the mobile communication technology. So far many countries are developing in LTE, the business establishment of LTE expands rapidly, because most of telecommunication operators prospect that LTE will become the main stream of the next generation mobile broadband technology. After the release of LTE-A specification, most of operators start to develop in LTE-A. Since there are no LTE-A base stations, so if we want to research about LTE-A, we need to establish the base stations by ourselves. Otherwise, we only can use mathematic model or software simulation to verify the research results. If we just want to establish the network topology, it costs too much. Therefore, our motivation is that we hope we could develop a simulation environment of LTE-A Relay Networks. For the researchers they can use this simulator to do their research conveniently.
Appears in Collections:Thesis