标题: 模拟赛车游戏中玩家个别差异之分析
The Analysis of Inter-player Difference in a Simulated Car Racing Game
作者: 邱俊予
Chiu, Chun-Yu
Wang, Tsai-Pei
关键字: 赛车游戏;Racing Game;TORCS
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 这篇论文的内容,是研究玩家在TORCS赛车游戏平台上的驾驶行为。文章会从介绍研究玩家行为的原因与目的开始叙述,接着介绍TORCS赛车游戏架构,以及一些TORCS相关的研究和其他人对赛车玩家行为的研究。每个人在驾驶赛车的行为上,都会有一些差异存在,为了研究每个玩家之间的差异,这篇论文提供一些比较各个玩家之间差异度的方法,并且用统计的方式建构出属于一个玩家的个别模型,最后再用玩家模型做驾驶员预测实验。
In this thesis, we research the driving behavior of players in the TORCS racing game platform. At first we introduce the reason and purpose to research player behavior, and then we introduce the TORCS racing game architecture, some TORCS-related researches and other researches on the player behavior. There are driving behavior differences between each players, this thesis provides some methods to compare different players, and construct statistical individual player models, then use player models to predict the driver of racing trajectories.


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