標題: 非營利研究機構如何協助國內產業建立品牌
A Shortcut To Brand Name _ How Does R&D NPO Help To Pave The Way?
作者: 廖錫卿
Liau, Shyi-Ching
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
關鍵字: 品牌;研發;Branding;R&D
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 近四十年來,台灣在高科技產業的紮根與發展上雖令人振奮。然由於多著重於產業鍊中段低風險的接單生產製造,既缺乏前瞻性的技術研發與智權佈建,復裹足於俱風險的市場規格定義與長期品牌的投資經營,高科技產業發展始終受限於OEM/ODM等製造代工與設計代工的格局,未能於「微笑曲線」兩端的技術智權與市場品牌取得競爭優勢,致產業仍難突破中、小企業格局,殊為可惜。本文將探討如何藉由非營利研究機構的協助,從科技創新研發的角度,如何降低研發投資成本,分散風險,先取得技術與智權優勢,進而達到協助國內產業自有品牌建立的目標。
For the past four decades, Taiwan has been recognized with her achievement on the high-tech industry. Though with less business risk, most of the local industrial firms are OEM/ODM based and lack of long term competitiveness of advanced technology and essential IPR. They also hesitate in defining spec of new product market and in long term investment of brand building. Thus, the development of Taiwan’s high-tech industry has been limited in the scale of OEM/ODM without making breakthrough on both ends of the Smiling Curve. This thesis address how a NPO, from the viewpoint of technological innovation R&D, can be of help with industry by securing the strength of technology and IPR with lower R&D cost and shared risk, furthermore, can help with industrial sectors for brand building in a long run.