Title: 國產車車主保養行為分析
An analysis of maintenance behavior for Domestic Vehicle owner
Authors: 黃敬琮
Huang, Chin Tsung
Chen, Shu-guang
Keywords: 國產車;售後服務;車輛保養;購買行為;Domestic Vehicle;Aftermarket;Vehicle Maintenance;Consumer Behaviors
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 近年因加入WTO進口車關稅逐年降低,因此國產車面對進口車的競爭優勢逐漸失去,為了維繫原本的價格優勢導致新車銷售的獲利逐漸降低。國產車廠如何增加其他獲利來源變成重要課題。台灣汽車的使用週期長達十年以上,目前仍有許多車主選擇在非原廠進行保修,因此汽車售後服務市場的商機是國產車廠創造出更大的利潤的機會點。   本研究是針對『國產車保養行為』做為探討的主題,針對台灣地區國產車使用者進行抽樣,探討人口統計變數及不同品牌、車齡對於車輛保養的消費偏好及車輛保修價格接受度,並以卡方獨立性檢定來解各個變數之間的關連性。   研究結果顯示,消費者是否願意回到原廠,與車齡具有相關性,車齡越高因車輛殘值降低,故所需提供之優惠需更多才願意回到原廠。目前國產車主要日系品牌車主對於願意再回到原廠所需提供的折扣有顯著差異,因而未來在制訂保養之價格策略時可作為參考依據。
In recently years, the Customs duty for imported vehicles is decreasing year by year under the policy of WTO. As a result of that, the domestic vehicles’ competitive advantage is diminishing due to the lower imported car price. In order to keep the original price strength, the domestic car makers are forced to lower their car price which also leads to the dramatic loss of profits. Therefore, “How to gain more profit from other services” becomes more and more important to nowadays local car makers. In Taiwan, the car usage life is usually more than a decade, and for now there are many car owners choose to have their maintenance at the local workshops instead of the Authorize Dealer’s Workshops. Thus, the aftersales market provides a good business opportunity for car makers to earn more in returns.   This research is focusing on “The maintenance behavior of domestic vehicle owners”. The main sampling target is the domestic vehicle users in Taiwan, and tries to discovering the variance of population statistics, the consumer’s habits of maintenance for different brands and car age, and the acceptance of maintenance expense. Furthermore, using Chi-Square Independence test and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) will be able to understand the connection between variables.   The result of this research shows the car age is the key factor which influences the willing of vehicle owners having their maintenance at the dealer’s workshop. Moreover, more discounts would efficiently attract the high age vehicle owners to spend their money at the dealer’s workshops, owing to the scrap value is low. Considering the mainly domestic car makers in Taiwan are Japanese brands, and the car owners have different expectation of discount to different brands. Therefore, this research would be a very useful reference for the car makers to set up their standard maintenance service charge in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis