Title: 基於ITIL之事件管理、問題管理及服務台系統導入之研究-以W公司為例
An Implementation of Incident Management, Problem Management and ServiceDesk based on ITIL- A Case Study of W Company
Authors: 羅明弘
Keywords: 事件管理;問題管理;服務台;ITIL;Incident Management;Problem Management;ServiceDesk
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 金融海嘯與美國信貸風暴過後,整個大環境的變化更加瞬息萬變,加上全球化的競爭之下,使得全球的產業進入低利潤、低價格的微利時代。 企業面對競爭對手的挑戰與外在大環境日益嚴峻的多重考驗,諸如『955』,95%的貨品須於5天內交貨,甚至是『982』等等的挑戰日趨嚴苛,企業本身為求生存就必須提升效率以便靈活彈性應變。 而資訊部門(IT)在此扮演的角色也從以前傳統公司中,小配角的角色轉型成攸關成敗的不可或缺重要角色,資訊部門必須促進IT目標與企業目標一致(Business-IT Alignment),主動協助提昇企業競爭優勢。而一套具有共通性與實用性的IT管理方法,能讓IT資源發揮最大效能的ITIL(Information Technology Infrastructure Library)就是資訊部門最佳的實踐方法(Best Practice)。 ITIL雖好,欲導入者眾,但是實際上是在應用這些觀念及方法時,仍然存在許多的挑戰難以跨越。 故如何提出一套能適合國內企業導入ITIL的方法實為當務之急。 本研究的重點在於探討ITIL導入與整合與ITIL對個案公司的影響。 由於ITIL的特質不只是相關工具軟體的導入而已,ITIL所帶來的相關流程上的改變也是一大重點,所以本研究特別將時間軸拉長到導入與導入後三年來探討ITIL為個案公司所帶來的影響。 透過探索性個案研究的方式,以文獻探討、參與觀察來收集個案公司導入ITIL的步驟和實作方式的資料。 其中可明確分析出個案公司於ITIL導入的前、中、後具體的導入手法、導入ITIL所經歷並克服的重大挑戰、關鍵成功因素和ITIL導入具體成效等,希望藉由以上本個案研究所得到的觀察與結論,提出一套能適合國內企業導入ITIL的方法,作為日後欲導入相關ITIL的企業之參考。
After the U.S. subprime lending financial crisis and financial tsunami, the age of low-margin and low-price is coming. Enterprises face more challenges with global competition in the more rapidly changing environment, such as the “955”, 95% goods must be delivered within 5 days. Not only “955”, but also the more severely challenge like “982”, 98% goods must be delivered within 2 days. In order to survive, enterprises need to get more competitive advantage, and the IT division is one of the key to help it. IT division should make the “Business-IT Alignment” to ensure that enterprise goal is the same as IT goal, and then to help enterprises to get more competitive advantage. The ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is the best practice of IT division to demonstrate the maximum effectiveness for enterprise. Although ITIL is the best practice to help IT division and enterprise, but there are many challenges to implement ITIL. Therefore, it is important to investigate how to make a fit of enterprises into ITIL. We conduct exploratory case study to collect cases and the company steps of ITIL implementation through the approach of literature review and participant observations. We stretch the timeline of our study to three years after the implementation of ITIL. Our research focus on the following: 1. The analysis of the key methodology in each phase of the ITIL implementation. 2. The analysis of the major challenges of the ITIL implementation. 3. The analysis of the Critical Success Factors of the ITIL implementation. 4. The analysis of the concrete results of the ITIL implementation. Through this case study, we can clearly analyze the process of ITIL implementation of the case company - before, during and after the implementation of specific practices. Based on the experiences of ITIL implementation, we can overcome the major challenges and identify the critical success factors of ITIL implementation. Our observations and findings will be a reference for other companies interested in implementing ITIL in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis