Title: 電子製造業採納雲端運算服務的關鍵因素之研究
Key Factors of Adopting Cloud Computing Service for Electronic Manufacturing Companies
Authors: 江廷芸
Chiang Ting-Yun
Li Yung-Ming
Keywords: 雲端運算服務;IaaS;PaaS;SaaS;關鍵成功因素;Cloud Computing;IaaS;PaaS;SaaS;Key Success Factors
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本論文的主題是「電子製造業採納雲端運算服務的關鍵因素之研究」探討,在其他文獻中大多只討論分析電子製造業單一使用雲端運算服務關鍵成功因素,但在組織企業中因經營管理層面、人員技術層面、組織文化背景層面的不同,組織企業對於雲端運算服務已不是單一種服務就可以滿足企業的需求,本論文以電子製造業為主體,深入了解電子製造業在何種考量因素下會使用各類雲端運算服務-IaaS、PaaS、SaaS,並找出所有主要關鍵因素,以提供雲端運算服務的廠商做為參考,讓雲端運算服務更能滿足電子製造業的需求,進而透過雲端運算服務強化電子製造業競爭能力. 本研究以多重個案分析法找出各項企業使用雲端運算關鍵因素,先以文獻、深入訪談方式找出所有企業使用各類雲端運算服務的需求以及可能因素,再以問卷方式透過SPSS統計工具以敘述分析法、因素分析法、交叉分析法,分析多重個案電子製造業使用各類雲端運算服務因素,最終找出各電子製造業使用雲端運算服務重要的關鍵因素。
The main subject of this thesis is to study the key factors of cloud computing services adoption for electronic manufacturing companies. Most of the existing literatures only analyze the success factors of clould computing for single type of service However, due to the evolution of management paragridm, staff skill, and organizational culture, it is hard to meet the enperprise need by adopting only one type of cloud computing service. This thesis attempt to explore the key factors related to the adoption of different types of cloud computing services- Iaas, PaaS and SaaS- in electronic manufacturing industry, such that the service providers can further improve their service business and the electronic manufacturing industry can enhance core competence with the adopted cloud computing service. This research discovers the key factors by utilizing multiple-case analysis. At first, the potential factors are identified by literature review and in-depth interview. Then the questionnaires are delivered to selected companies to collect data. SPSS is used to perform narrative analysis, factor analysis and cross-analysis, and finally the most important factors are identified.
Appears in Collections:Thesis