Title: 運用資料探勘方法預測雜誌銷售量
Applying Data Mining Techniques for Magazine Sales Forecasting
Authors: 施孟妤
Shih, Meng-Yu
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: 時間序列;自我迴歸樹;灰預測;資料探勘;連鎖零售商;季節指數;Time Series;Autoregressive Tree;Grey Prediction;Data Mining;Retail Stores;Seasonal Index
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 連鎖零售業銷售的商品包含生鮮食品、日用品、玩具及文化出版品等,並定時將這些商品配送至全台各門市銷售,而每家門市因地理位置、人口結構、區域屬性、天氣、季節等外在環境變因的影響,各家門市的需求量不一,因此,如何準確的預測門市商品需求量,成為零售業者為增加獲利所必需研究的課題。
  Chain of retail sells fresh food, groceries, toys, publications and so on. They distribute these goods to the franchises regularly. The demand of each franchise is different because of their geographic, population structure, residential area, weather, seasonal changes and extrinsic environmental impact. Therefore, how to accurately forecast demand for the amount of goods to increase profit is one of the most important business issues.
  The research focuses on the prediction about the retail demand of female fashion magazine. It is due to an observation that there is a seasonal cycle in sales curve of female fashion magazine. However, the chain of retail uses simple average in sales amount prediction is easy to undervalue the market demand. In this research, we adopt Autoregressive Tree Time Series method and Grey Prediction method to construct sales prediction model, and take the MAE as criteria to evaluate the forecasting competences of different models.
  According to the empirical results, if the sales series and the seasonal index have higher correlation, then the prediction accuracy of multivariable ART (Autoregressive Tree) is better than those of Univariable ART and Grey Prediction methods; otherwise, the prediction accuracy of Grey Prediction method is better than those of Univariable ART and multivariable ART methods.
Appears in Collections:Thesis