標題: 台灣中小型服務業前進中國市場之機會與建議
The Opportunities and Suggestions for Taiwan SMEs Invested in Mainland China
作者: 李惠雯
關鍵字: 台灣中小型服務業;產業群聚;品牌群聚通路;SMEs;service industry;industry cluster;MIT;brand;channel
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 台灣中小型服務業近年來面臨國內市場飽合、競爭激烈等生存難題,紛紛向外尋找出路,然而適逢ECFA簽定之政策優惠,以及中國施行「十二五規劃」,富民政策抵定、內需市場大開,為比鄰而居的台灣中小型服務業開闢西進商機。但受限於先天資源不足,中小型企業單打獨鬥赴陸投資困難重重,本文試圖針對台灣中小型服務業西進之創新品牌群聚通路進行初探性研究,推導其關鍵成功要素及未來持續競爭之策略與建議。 自2009年起,大陸當地以台灣為主軸的商業項目陸續興建,內容涵括美食、伴手禮、休閒娛樂與文創產業,屬創新性的台商品牌銷售網絡平台,本文即以此類新興通路為研究個案。研究結果發現,此類通路從高處戰略佈局,發揮群聚價值流效應並取得品牌競爭優勢,為台灣中小型服務業西進帶來了成本優勢、品牌創新優勢和擴張優勢,大幅降低台商進場大陸的磨合時間、實質成本與心理成本。 儘管如此,個案未來仍將遭遇大陸市場仿冒與仿效盛行、大陸市場競爭激烈、台灣中小型服務業人力不足、品牌群聚通路招商困難及MIT品牌熱度維繫等問題。因此,本文後續提出相關策略與建議包括:設立認證機制、強化品牌育成、發展垂直互補能力、因地制宜等步驟,希望藉由上述建議補強現有通路模式,延續其群聚價值、創新思維及競爭優勢,進而複製至大陸各省份遍地開花。 本文分五章,第一章是緒論介紹研究背景、動機,並界定研究範疇、方法與目的。第二章回顧產業群聚基礎理論與競爭優勢文獻,作為全文的理論支柱,並針對台灣中小型服務業現況及台商單打獨鬥赴陸投資困難與問題等文獻進行綜述,為後續建構創新通路提供論述背景。第三章描述研究架構與流程,定義研究對象並提出研究限制。第四章探討現行個案、綜合分析其特點,發展該群聚通路之鑽石模式與關鍵成功要素。第五章結論與建議,以個案之關鍵成功要素與第二章台商面臨困境比對,提出未來對策建議。
In recent years, small and medium service industry in Taiwan is facing domestic market saturation, intense competition and other challenges to survive, have find a way out, however, coincides with the preferential policy of signing the ECFA, and the implementation of "12th five-year plan " in Mainland China, opening up wide opportunities for Taiwan's small and medium sized service business. Commercial projects targeted Taiwan image had building in Mainland China since 2009, including food, gifts, entertainment, cultural and creative industries. Innovative marketing network platform is formed with Taiwan brand. The objectives of this research are to explore the key success factors, sustainable competitive strategy, problems and suggestions, derived from initially searches of innovative brand cluster channels for Taiwan small and medium service industry invested in Mainland China. The results showed strategic, competitive advantage from such innovative channels for small and medium sized service industry in Taiwan, such as gaining MIT brand value, cluster value stream effect, including cost, brand and expanded advantages, in the meanwhile, reducing time, capital and psychological cost. Nevertheless, the results also showed several problems in the future, such as counterfeit issue and competitive market in Mainland China, lack of human resources in Taiwan's small and medium service industry, difficulty of trade attraction for MIT cluster channels, and maintain MIT brand heat. The conclusions are as follows: set up certification mechanism, strengthen the brand incubation, develop vertical complementary capabilities, and adjust to local conditions.