Title: 航空貨運航線市場範圍與貨載之配置
Demarcating the Market Area for Cargo Dispatch in an Airline Network
Authors: 張所華
Chang, So-Hua
Wong, Jinn-Tsai
Keywords: 航空貨運網路;航空網路規劃;軸幅式網路;運送航線選擇;Hub-and spoke transportation modal;Networks design problem;Intermodal problems
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究針對航空公司貨運網路,探討航線市場範圍及貨載配置問題,藉由航空公司新增航點時,研究其航線貨載分配情形,並分析現有航空貨運運輸的現況,歸納出航空公司航空貨運卡車轉運路網之區域結構,了解機場服務範圍及貨物轉運現況,透過數學規劃模式,以最小成本為概念,比較合理成本與實務的差異性,來求解最適貨運網路貨載分配模式。最後透過實際案例分析,蒐集相關資料驗證模式的可行性,研究發現最佳化卡車之轉運模式應以機場腹地範圍作為其卡車轉運規劃,研究結果顯示,如航空公司艙位人員,以機場腹地範圍作為其艙位分配依據時,其分配結果較原來分配艙位之效果,除能減低0.16%之費用外,並能提高貨物運輸效率,因此,配合規劃良好航空網路艙位配置,不僅可提昇航空公司之競爭力,亦能降低業者之營運成本及創造更高的收益。
Hub-and-spoke networks allow airlines to have important productive efficiencies due primarily to the presence of economies of traffic density, this study further explores air cargo demand and networks design problems, especially the traditionally studies hub location problems would pay attention on flight times or networks design. This study focuses on the air cargo flow distribution upon a new routes establishing by researching the current air cargo flow to explore the air cargo demand and networks design problem. Besides through analyzing the air cargo flow, we can also find out the intermodal distribution in the network of North America, as well as the hinterland of each airport. This study also develops a model in order to determinate the optimum network for intermodal transportation which can be able to effectively find out the alternative solution algorithm on each routes. According to the comparison, if the air cargo space allotment could be dispatched effectively by the airline personnel, it can reduce 0.16% of unnecessary expense cost in the trucking transportation, as well as enhance the efficiency of air cargo distribution.
Appears in Collections:Thesis