標題: 航空公司選擇聯盟之決策模式
Airline's Decision-Making Models For Choosing Alliances
作者: 梁文龍
Liang, Wen-Long
Feng, Cheng-Min
Wu, Pei-Ru
關鍵字: 航空聯盟;模糊多評準決策分析;區別分析;重要度績效分析;Airline Alliance;Fuzzy MCDM;Discrimination Analysis;Importance-Performance Analysis
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 世界空運市場的自由化程度越來越高,航空公司間的競爭強度也越形增強,其中一種就是航空聯盟形成後所帶來的競爭壓力,這種航空聯盟係基於各種不同營運層面進行結盟,他們合作的層面跳脫一般的跨航空公司間的合約合作,而涵蓋了全方位合作計畫,包含特定的行銷活動與聯合採購等項目,用以降低成本或增加銷售;或者進行航班時間協調以獲得更合理的銜接時間、提供旅客更方便快速的時間節省。各種的合作型態的普遍進行及隨著加入成員越來越多的情況下,航空聯盟實力更加強大,在這種情況之下,非結盟的航空公司逐漸重視加入一個適合的航空聯盟的思考。本研究針對航空公司可得的資料,分別以兩種研究方法發展決策模式,提供航空公司決定加入聯盟時,除可依選定之關鍵評估準則採行模糊多評準決策分析,亦可以航空公司基本特性資料,利用統計方法進行區別分析,來選擇最適合加入之航空聯盟。最後再以重要度績效分析,對加入各聯盟的狀況進行分析與討論,並發展出因應策略。
The privatized nature of the current airline industry has increased its competitiveness. Stringent competition among airline carriers has led to the formation of alliances, which encompass all aspects of operation. More than just a contractual agreement to cooperate, such alliances encompass joint promotion or procurement to increase sales volume, reduce overhead costs, coordinate flight schedules to harmonize connections, and provide passengers with improved travelling pleasure, efficiency and time savings. The growing strength of alliances has motivated non-allied airlines to consider joining such an alliance. This work presents two analytical solutions based on use of airline data. Specifically, once an airline decides to join an alliance, either a fuzzy multi-criteria decision analysis is performed under selected key factors or discrimination analysis is performed to forecast airline clusters by collecting specific airline data. Finally, importance-performance analysis is perform to devise entry strategies into different alliances.


  1. 151702.pdf

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