Title: 存託憑證操作模式之個案分析
The Case Study of Depositary Receipts' Operating Model
Authors: 陳麗琪
Chen, Li-Chi
Chung, Huimin
Hsieh, Wen-Liang
Keywords: 海外存託憑證;套利交易;Depositary Receipt;arbitrage trade
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在全球資訊發達的自由經濟體中,熱錢的流竄幾乎是無所遁形的,所以2008年由美國次級房貸所引發的金融海嘯影響了全世界的經濟體,與其說金融業受創最深,倒不如說投資人才是最大的受害者。當時很多衍生性商品及共同基金因為流動性不足或資金抽離太快而導致商品被強迫清算甚至失去價值;更有許多歐美的金融業公司債因此付不出債券利息,而有違約的危機,造成債券價格非常低落。經歷此金融海嘯的風暴後,投資人更了解投資金融商品不再只是重視可能的報酬,對於商品本身的風險更應該多加重視。
It is apparent that Hot Money has been moving around free economies in the developed world nowadays. Besides, the subprime mortgage meltdown in the U.S. led to the global financial crisis in 2008. For both aforementioned matters, the victims are actually the investors rather than financial institutions. During the crisis, many derivative financial products and mutual funds were settled or even led to enormous loss because of illiquidity or prompt redemption. Vast financial corporations in America and Europe therefore could not afford to pay their bond interest and hence faced the default crisis which resulted in the extremely low value of the bonds. After the Financial Tsunami, the investors have realized that risks should be taken into account in addition to the rewards of financial products.
This paper will study how to profit from the price spread between the depository receipts and common stock via the practice of arbitrage with minimum risk with a focus on the depository receipt in particular. Then three case studies will be conducted about the arbitrage opportunity between the Depository Receipt and the Common Stock, including Taiwan common stock Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and ADR, Taiwan common stock green energy technology and GDR, as well as Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp., a Hong Kong invested corporation, and TDR.
The conclusion of this paper is that even if the common stock and the depository receipt have a spread, arbitrage trading is not always workable due to the differences in laws and regulations between two different countries. Once the differences are settled, the common stock’s price is close to that of the depository receipt, Therefore there will be no arbitrage opportunities anyway.
Appears in Collections:Thesis