標題: 台灣人肉搜索文化之探討
Culture of Human Flesh Search in Taiwan
作者: 李惠婷
Li, Huei-Ting
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
Lin, Sunny S.J.
關鍵字: 人肉搜索;媒體;媒體文化;human flesh search;media;media culture
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 「人肉搜索」在最近幾年引發國際社會與媒體的普遍關注,成為盛行於華人世界的獨特文化現象。人肉搜索乃以網路為媒介,以網友為資源,藉由集體合作方式將網路搜尋引擎以及知情匿名人士所呈現之資料予以揭露、釐清真相的一種群眾活動。不同於西方社會,華人社會使用網路工具進行人肉搜索之目的是為了能夠透過虛擬世界的力量來改善現實世界的不合理、不公平現象。本研究針對台灣人肉搜索之現象進行研究,研究者採用文本分析的方式針對一些人肉搜索案例事件,進行媒體與網友互動歷程的分析。本研究之首要目的在於探討何種性質之社會事件較易引起網友們的人肉搜索,以及其搜索動機為何;其次,本研究欲瞭解「媒體」在人肉搜索歷程中扮演的角色與功用,究竟對事件後續的人肉搜索有何影響,此為本研究最主要的核心議題;最後,研究者由案例事件的分析中探討造成人肉搜索成敗之主因,以從中掌握人肉搜索發動成功的脈絡因素。 經由文本分析後,研究者發現,在人肉搜索生成與發展的歷程中,「媒體」扮演了訊息擴散與人肉搜索成敗的關鍵角色。在許多人肉搜索成功案例中,「知名論壇」是事件擴散的主要引爆媒介;而經由眾多個人部落格與社群網站的資訊傳播,媒體再加以追蹤報導,使事件更加渲染擴散。最後,也由於大眾媒體從網路論壇的訊息挖掘與報導,引發社會大眾的廣泛注意,強化了網友們後續人肉搜索的動機。 而就人肉搜索的目的與功用來說,研究者發現,網友們進行人肉搜索的目的不在於「搜索」,而是在於「制裁」違反社會道德與善良規範的人;此外,研究者也發現,人肉搜索可帶來正面的社會功用,藉由人民集體式的訊息追蹤與搜索,逐步還原真相,激化了人民的輿論參與,更影響了媒體與政府的作為。
“Human flesh search” has caused broad attention among international societies and media in recent years and become a unique cultural phenomenon in the Chinese world. By using varied web-sites as medium and Internet-users as resources, human flesh search is considered a kind of mass movement to reveal secret and clarify the truth by collective forces based on Internet search engines and data presented by informed but anonymous people. Unlike in Western societies, the purpose of using the Internet tools for human flesh search in Chinese societies is mainly to improve unreasonable, unfair situations in the real world through the power of virtual world. In this study we focused on the phenomenon of Taiwanese Human flesh search. The researcher adopted text analysis approach to analyze the interactive process of media and Internet-users on a number of representative cases of human flesh search activities. The primary purpose of this study was to explore which social events were prone to cause Internet-users’ interest in human flesh search and their motivations. Secondly, the core issue of the study was to understand the roles and functions of varied media in human flesh search and the impacts of follow-up events in the search process. Finally, the researcher explored the main reasons for the success or failure in human flesh search based on the analysis of case studies in order to grasp the contextual factors for successfully initiating human flesh search. After text analyses, the researcher found that media played a critical role in human flesh search in terms of information spreading and determining the success or failure during the search process. In many successful search cases, well-known forums became the main initiating medium in spreading the events. The events became reinforced after the information communication among numerous personal blogs and social community networks as well as the follow-up reports by the mass media. Finally, because the media news digging and reporting on Internet forums and bringing broad attention to the general public, which reinforced the Internet-users’ follow-up motivations for human flesh search. As the purposes and functions of human flesh search, the researcher found that Internet-users’ purpose for human flesh search was not to “search” only, but to “sanction” those who disobeyed social norms. In addition, the researcher also found that human flesh search can bring positive social functions by people’s collective information tracking and searching which might restore the truth gradually, thus stimulate public’s opinions, and even influence the actions and reactions of both media and the government.


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