標題: 以串流影片實施診斷測驗與補救教學之研究--以國中數學比例單元為例
Using Streaming Videos for Diagnosis and Remedial Instructions – A Case Study of Junior High School Mathematics Regarding Proportion
作者: 林天送
Lin, Tian-Sung
Wang, Dai-Yi
Lin, Sunny San Ju
關鍵字: 認知風格;補救教學;串流影片;cognitive styles;streaming video;remedial instructions
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究旨在探討串流影片應用於「診斷測驗」及「補救教學」的成效,並以國中七年級「比例」單元的教材內容為例。診斷測驗實驗採單組前後測設計,立意抽樣苗栗縣某國中八年級兩個班(共59人)進行,一班先進行影片測驗再進行紙筆測驗,一班則測驗順序相反;補救教學實驗採準實驗設計,以該校七年級學生四個班進行,隨機分派兩班(62人)施以影片補救教學(實驗組),兩班(55人)僅給予答案回饋(控制組)。本研究的研究結果如下: 一、學生在串流影片測驗和紙筆測驗的得分有高度相關且沒有顯著差異。 二、大部分的學生對串流影片測驗持正面態度。 三、對於不同認知風格的學生,其在串流影片測驗與紙筆測驗的得分沒有顯著差異。 四、實施串流影片補救教學之後,學生後測成績有顯著較前測成績進步。 五、大部分的學生對於串流影片補教教學持正面的態度。 六、對於不同認知風格的學生,在串流影片教學之後,其進步分數沒有顯著差異。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using streaming videos for diagnosis and remedial instructions on learning performance. The major teaching materials focused on the unit, Proportion of 7th-grade. A quasi-experimental design was used. The sampling method was purposive sampling. Four classes of 7th -grade students from a junior high school in Miaoli County were randomly assigned to either the experimental or the control groups. There were 62 students of two classes in experimental group and 55students of two classes in control group. And two classes of 8th-grade students were 59 in this study. The major findings of the study were as follows. 1.No significant difference but high correlation was found between the streaming video test and the written test in the students’ grades. 2.Most students approved the streaming video test. 3.For different cognitive styles of the students, no significant difference was found between the streaming video test and the written test in the students’ grades. 4.After streaming video for remedial instructions, there was significant greater between pretest and posttest in the students’ scores. 5.Most students approved the streaming video for remedial instructions. 6.For different cognitive styles of the students, no significant difference was found in the students’ progress scores after streaming video for remedial instructions.


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