Title: | 組織再造、領導方式、與人力資源所採取策略之關聯-以某高科技公司為個案分析 Reorganization, Leadership Style Associated with the Human Resources Strategy: a Case Study of a High-tech Company |
Authors: | 禹水仙 Yu, Linda 楊千 Yang, Chyan 管理學院經營管理學程 |
Keywords: | 策略管理;人力資源管理;領導風格;組織再造;兩兆雙星計畫;企業文化;工作滿意度;Strategy Management;Human Resource Management;Leadership Style;Organizational Reengineering;Corporate Culture;Job Satisfaction;Two Trillion and Twin Star development Program |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 八○年代以來,由於經濟競爭全球化及產業環境的快速變遷,企業面臨前所未有的大變動(徐聯恩,1996),國內產業除了面臨國外企業進入國內市場的競爭外,同時也面臨國內土地與勞力成本的日漸高漲,為數眾多的傳統產業,為了企業能夠永續經營,紛紛進行產業外移或進行組織變革促使產業昇級。尤其在全球化的浪潮下,企業勢必改變組織的競爭策略,以對抗來自全世界的競爭。隨著經濟知識的成熟,以往賴以維生的資源,已無法保證未來能夠再次複製,因此,要適應外部環境的變動,組織必頇不斷的調整營運策略,才能累積永續經營的能量。 組織變革除了不斷檢視外部環境的變化外,更必頇面臨組織內部人員對組織變革的適應力及貢獻度。因此,如何透過有效的人力資源活動,整合組織內部的有限資源,便成為影響組織是否變革成功的關鍵要素。本研究針對某高科技公司之資料進行個案分析,探討本研究針對某高科技公司之資料進行個案分析,探討組織變革過程中,如何選擇適當的人力資源策略,促使組織變革的目地能順利達成,而人力資源單位在組織變革過程中涉入程度的深淺,是否影響組織變革的成效,都是值得研究的議題。因此透過本研究或能提供企業人力資源單位,日後在面臨組織變革時,擬定人力資源策略的參考方向。 In the awake of globalization and with the mature development of economy and knowledge, enterprises are bound to rethink the organization strategy and continually adjust management strategy so as to face the global competition and develop for a perpetual going concern. In addition to the uprising competition of foreign enterprises entering domestic markets, local industries also need to deal with the predicament of increasing cost in property and labor. Seeking solutions to the problem for sustainable development, a large number of traditional industries are gradually transferring industry aboard or reorganizing corporate structure to fit new business strategy. Besides regular examination on external changes, the employees’ adaptation and contribution to the reorganization practice has to be evaluated. Therefore, the key to a successful corporate reorganization relies on how the limited resources within an organization have been integrated by effective human resource practices. Based on a high-tech company’s database, this research attempts to explore how to develop an appropriate human resource strategy and how HR involvement in strategic planning impacts the outcome of the practice. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48808 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |