標題: 成熟市場的龍頭企業成長策略之研究─以 P 公司新上市的現煮研磨咖啡為例
Analyzing the Mature Market Leading Firm's Growth Strategy : With A Case Study on P Corporation New Freshly Brewed Coffee
作者: 藍佳琪
關鍵字: 產業生命週期;成長策略;複製;Industry Life Cycle;Growth Strategy;Replication
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 台灣便利商店產業自2000年進入成熟期,到2009年便利商店店數比前一年只增加37店,營業額年增率只有0.03%,顯示產業真正達到飽和。各家便利商店同質性高,差異化的商品或服務容易被模仿的限制下,龍頭P公司卻能持續成長且保持領導地位,因而想探討其在成熟期下的成長策略。本研究以「產品─市場擴展矩陣」歸類分析公司的成長策略以及從資源基礎的觀點來探討公司的成長策略。研究發現,P公司是藉由開發新產品、服務或是進入新市場,以產品延伸、市場開發、多角化的成長策略來創造成長。其中現煮咖啡新品2007年起連續4年100%成長,再以資源基礎角度與行銷產品角度分析此新品。P公司複製子公司國際咖啡品牌經營經驗,發現現煮咖啡市場的潛力,運用企業內資源與能力,將經驗轉化開發為母公司新產品。以破壞式定價策略成功搶占市場,階段性導入綿密的店鋪網,成為全台最大的咖啡連鎖店。新產品加入市場競爭的結果,高價和低價兩品牌業績都成長,以市場定價的兩端,合力吃下現煮咖啡市場大餅,為集團創造綜效與成長。因此企業制定策略時應善用過去所累積的資源與能力,探討兩者間結合的關係,觀察動態環境的變化及顧客的需求,找出外部機會,同時比較分析相對於競爭對手優劣勢,發展出適合的策略來開發商品或服務進而達到企業獲利成長。
Taiwan’s convenience store industry matured since 2000, the number of convenience stores in 2009 than 2008 increased by 37 stores, annual sales growth rate is only 0.03%. The Convenience industry is really saturated. Meantime, the homogeneity of the various convenience stores, and product or service differentiation likely to be imitated, the leading convenience store was able to continue growing and maintain its leading position, inspired me to do the research. This study is based on Ansoff’s 「product/market expansion grid 」and the resourced-based view to discuss the firm growth strategy. The study found the leading convenience store is using product extension, market development, diversification growth strategy to develop new product or enter new market to create growth. Which freshly brewed coffee commodity for four consecutive years of 100% growth since 2007, inspired me from marketing and the resourced-based view to do in-depth analysis. P Corporation replicated International Coffee brand’s experiences and managed corporate resources and capabilities, developed this new product C cafe. Using low price disruptive strategy into freshly brewed coffee market and become the largest coffee chain store in Taiwan. And International coffee brand‘s sales were growing since 2010 as well. Two brands from High price and low price two sides to share the freshly brewed coffee market successfully. This case took good use of P Corporation’s resources and capabilities, and created synergy. In short, firms should make the best use of resources and capabilities accumulated in the past, observe the dynamic environment change and explore consumer’s needs, and analyze competitor’s strength and weakness, develop a suitable strategy, thus creating the corporate growth.

Keywords: Industry Life Cycle, Growth Strategy, Replication