標題: 客家婦女的勞動意識:以新埔削柿子婦女為例
Labor Consciousness of Hakka Women:A Case Study of persimmon peelers in Xin-pu
作者: 張如萍
Chang, Ju-Ping
Lu, Hsin-Yi
關鍵字: 客家婦女;勞動;新埔;柿餅;Hakka Women;Labor;Xin-pu;dried persimmon
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解客家婦女的勞動意識,透過深度訪談、參與觀察蒐集資料,訪談對象為柿餅加工業者、削柿子的婦女,以新埔當地柿餅產業變化作為背景,分析新埔柿餅從產業到文化產業變遷過程中,柿餅加工業者因應外在條件於柿餅製作勞動體制及性別分工的演變,另以削皮機器出現為分界點,將削柿子婦女區分為兩個世代。本研究發現柿餅業勞動過程中性別分工與階級有連結,勞雇雙方有共識,削柿子婦女在工作上表現出志願性順服現象,雖不同世代婦女的生活背景和經驗差異很大,但仍有同質性經驗,客家婦女將勞動化為行動與生活的核心價值,削柿子工作對婦女來說是個人、工作、家庭三方面得利。 本論文主要架構分為六章,第一章為緒論,介紹研究動機、研究進行的方法、研究過程與文獻回顧。第二章寫新埔地區柿餅產業,介紹新埔歷史與柿餅製作過程、柿餅產業勞動體制以及政經變遷對產業的影響,婦女在產業中的勞動參與。第三章分別陳述兩代婦女自幼至今的勞動過程,不同角色下婦女在家庭與工作的勞動狀況,並比較兩代之間的異同。第四章自女性化的勞動價值切入,觀察婦女勞動意識。第五章從不同面向觀察婦女在工作和家庭兩者間如何取得平衡,並歸納出工作對婦女的多重意義。第六章為結論與研究限制,提出本論文的研究意義與研究面臨的限制,並提出未來對削柿子婦女延伸研究方向,供後人參考。
The purpose of this study is to understand the labor consciousness of Hakka women through in-depth interviews, participation, observation and data collecting. The woman persimmon skin peelers of the persimmon processing industry were chosen as the objects, and the transformation of Hsinpu dried persimmon industry was taken as the background. The aim is to analyze the transformation of labor system and gender work distribution of dried persimmon production process during the period when the industry developed into a cultural industry. Furthermore, the emergence of skin peeling machine was taken as the division point to divide the woman persimmon skin peelers into two generations. The study found that there is a connection between the gender work distribution and class during the dried persimmon labor process and that both labors and employer have reached a consensus. While at work, the women persimmon skin peelers show voluntary obedience. Although there is a large variance within the backgrounds of women in different generations, they share similar experience to some extent. The Hakka women have transformed labor into action and the core value of life, and they presume that the persimmon skin peeling job is beneficial from individual and family perspectives. This study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the research motivation, research methods, research process and literature review. Chapter two gives an overview of Hsinpu history and persimmon production process, including the labor system of persimmon industry, the impact of political transformation on the industry, and the labor force participation of women in the industry. Chapter three narrates the labor processes of two generations of women since their childhood until now, the labor situation of women in the family and job based on different roles, and the similarities and differences between the two generations. Chapter four cuts straight into feminization of labor value through an observation of the labor consciousness of women. Chapter 5 explains how women strike a balance between their job and family, and then summarizes the multiple meanings of work for women. Chapter six is the concluding chapter which discusses the limitations and significance of this research, and proposes the prospective research direction on women persimmon skin peelers for future researchers.


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  2. 851102.pdf

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