Title: 異質性網路管理平台之設計與實作
Heterogeneous Network Management System (HNMS)
Authors: 劉宣佑
Liu, Hsuan-Yu
Tsai, Wen-Nung
Keywords: 異質性網路管理系統;障礙管理;組態管理;效能管理;Web API;HNMS;Heterogeneous Network Management
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 隨著科技的進步,網路上存在著越來越多種不同的網路存取技術,而網路設備種類也越來越複雜,如何能隨時掌握到最即時且正確的資訊,對網管人員來說,是一項極為重要的工作,而複雜且多樣的網路環境對管理人員來說,也將會是極大的負擔,因此,如何設計一套整合性的網路管理系統來進行各種異質網路設備監控將是本文研究的重點。 本文中HNMS設計了四層式的架構,首先是設備存取層的多種設備存取模組(Device Access Layer),用來與異質網路上的多種網路設備連接,取得設備內的組態設定資料(Configuration Management)、即時或歷史設備障礙資訊(Fault Management)及效能相關的各種數據資料(Ttraffic Management);接著透過第二層資料分析層(Data Analysis Layer)內的各種分析計算模組進行資料分析與統計,最後存入資料庫系統中,接著提供給建構在中間層(Middleware Layer)上的Web API及Web based Monitoring System使用,最後透過由多種的監控介面所組成的監控介面層(Monitoring Layer),讓網路管理人員可以進行即時且正確的設備監控。
As technology advances, so is the growing of different network applications and devices. For network administrators, how to keep up with the network technology and manage the diversity of network equipments is not only the most import responsibility but also a great great burden. This paper focuses on the design of an integrated network management system to monitor various network devices. In this paper we design a Heterogeneous Network Management System(HNMS) which has four-layer architecture. The first layer is the Device Access Layer which contains several device access modules for connecting with different heterogeneous network equipments and collecting Configuration Management Data(CM), Fault Management Data(FM) and Traffic Management Data(TM) from network devices. The second layer is the Data Analysis Layer which contains several large databases for data processing and analysis. The third layer is the Middleware Layer which is constructed on the Apache web servers provides web service including Web API and web pages for various monitoring interfaces of the Monitoring Layer. Network administrators can rely on the HNMS to handle the monitoring tasks of huge heterogeneous networks.
Appears in Collections:Thesis