標題: 應用於數位醫療影像且符合DICOM規格的多媒體註解工具
A Multimedia Annotator with DICOM Compatibility on Digital Medicine Image
作者: 許豪岱
Hsu, Hao-Tai
Chen, Deng-Jyi
關鍵字: 多媒體註解工具;DICOM;MultiMedia-Annotator
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 隨著資訊科技的快速發展,各種產業都積極結合資訊科技,以提高效率,而醫療與 資訊科技的結合也是一種必然的趨勢;目前可以看到這樣的趨勢明顯呈現在醫學影像無 片化,病例無紙化-也就是電子病歷上面。醫學影像做到無片化的方法,是把檢查的影 像,以數位型態輸出,而在醫療領域,普遍被採用的是DICOM 加上PACS 資料庫,作 為數位醫療影像的取得、儲存、交換的共通標準。 醫療影像圖上的註解內容,來自於醫療專業人員的專業知識及經驗,但是如何在數 位醫療影像檔上,完整的記錄下醫療專業人員的診斷及見解,以及把這些寶貴的內容, 與醫療影像圖做適當的連結,使其可以透過DICOM+PACS進行資訊的的交換,有賴註 解工具提供足夠的功能來實現。 也由於醫療影像數位化後,註解的形態已經不受限於文字、符號、圖片;如果可以 有包含聲音(Audio)、影片(Video)的多媒體註解工具,則可以記錄下更豐富,更完整的註 解內容。 本論文提供一個多媒體註解工具的實做方法,可以讓醫療專業人員針對DICOM數 位醫療影像檔作註解,註解內容包含文字、影像、動畫、聲音、影片等多媒體註解;同 時,加入註解的影像檔,仍然維持其DICOM格式的相容性,可回存至PACS資料庫中。 未來甚至可以整合包含註解的DICOM影像檔至醫療系統,成為病歷的一部份。
With the rapid development of information technology, All industry also active combine in information technology to improve efficiency. While the combination of medical and information technology is an inevitable trend. We can see such a trend clearly showing on no film in medical imaging technology, like cases paperless, electronic medical records(EMR). In the medical field, DICOM Standard and PACS database are widely used as acquisition, storage, exchange of digital medical image. Annotation on medical image come from the experience of medical professionals, but how to completely annotate the diagnosis and insights of medical professionals on digital medical images, and how to link with the annotations to digital medical images appropriate, and exchanging through DICOM+PACS, depends on adequate functionality which annotator provide. This paper provides a multimedia annotation tool. Medical professionals can make multimedia annotation on DICOM medical image, include text, symbols, images, audio, video form. At the same time, the DICOM file with multimedia annotation still keep compatibility of DICOM standard, and can be restored to the PACS database. In the future, it can integrate the DICOM image file with multimedia annotation to one part of the Health Information System.

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