Title: 以路徑選擇策略為基礎的電信系統故障派工研究
A route-based algorithm for task assignment in Telecommunications system breakdown
Authors: 李坤達
Lee, Kun-Da
Chen, Deng-Jyi
Keywords: 工作分配問題;資源分配;路徑選擇;Task Assignment Problem;Resource Allocation;Path Selection
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 有鑑於數位化時代的來臨,人們日常生活的範圍不脫電信產業。電信系統設施的維修與養護亦相對重要;而電信設備損壞的情形,以颱風、地震等大型災害發生後最為嚴重屆時常伴隨著維修人員與資源短缺的情形發生。故如何依需求資訊、維修資源,規劃維修路徑以提昇維修效能、降低電信系統故障對人們生活的影響,即成為一重要的課題。 本研究之電信系統故障派工 (Task Assignment)包含資源分配(Resource Allocation)與路徑選擇(Path Selection)的問題,資源分配(Resource Allocation)是指維修設備(材料)與維修人員的配置,好的路徑選擇(Path Selection)是行車距離最短,壅塞程度最小,而有效率的派工方法是讓維修效率最高的修護人員在最短的時間內到達叫修地點。一個有效率的派工方法對業者做人員調動,資源分配可以有很大的幫助 符合電信系統派工問題限制下 ,為了達到每一次的派工都能讓維修效率最高的人員在最短的時間內,到達故障地點。我們先用MFST(Minimal File Spanning Tree,MFST)演算法找出所有符合條件限制的派工路徑,利用不同維修點有不同的維修效率,來計算一項工作分派的等待時間,找出一個延遲時間最小與維修效率最高的派工路徑。
The digital era, telecommunication is in our every aspect of life. Accordingly, the repair and maintenance of the telecommunication systems and facilities are also important. The most serious damages are always associated with the shortage of maintenance personnel and resource when the large disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes occur. Therefore, how to improve maintenance efficiency and reduce the failure of telecommunication systems by using demand for information, maintenance resources and planning maintenance path in order to decrease the effects on society has become an important issue. In this study, task assignment of telecommunication system breakdown contains resource allocation and path selection . Resource allocation of resources refers to allocation of the maintenance equipments (materials) and maintenance personnel. A good the path selection is the shortest traveling distance and the minimal congestion. Moreover, the most efficient dispatching method is to arrive the the repair site at the shortest time. An efficient dispatching method is beneficial for resource allocation. Found to comply with the limits for the telecommunications system task assignment, in order to achieve every dispatching can make the repair efficiency highest in the shortest possible time, to reach the fault location. We use the Minimal File Spanning Tree(MFST) algorithm to identify all dispatching path complying with the constraints. The use of different maintenance points have different maintenance efficiency, to calculate the waiting time for an assignment, the highest dispatching path to identify a minimum delay time and maintenance efficiency. Keyword: Task Assignment Problem、Resource Allocation、Path Selection、Minimal File Spanning Tree
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