DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorPark, Jin-Youngen_US
dc.contributor.authorKang, Jin-Suen_US
dc.description.abstractThis case study illustrates that under what circumstances, the organization could lead the adopting new technology successfully in supply chain management, with a case company, LG Electronics. LG Electronics succeeded to integrate a new technology, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), to their supply chain with accomplishing cost reduction and real time supply synchronization. Three variables were selected to analyze the impact upon the supply chain technology adoption from literature. There variables are : (1) organizational factor including organizational size, structure, and top management support, (2) environment factor including pressure from competition, rapid shifts in production life cycle, and volatile price fluctuation, and (3) technology factor including technology maturity. The analysis shows how the contextual factors enabled diffusion of the technology in this big organization, with providing meaningful hypotheses which can be researched further.zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis case study illustrates that under what circumstances, the organization could lead the adopting new technology successfully in supply chain management, with a case company, LG Electronics. LG Electronics succeeded to integrate a new technology, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), to their supply chain with accomplishing cost reduction and real time supply synchronization. Three variables were selected to analyze the impact upon the supply chain technology adoption from literature. There variables are : (1) organizational factor including organizational size, structure, and top management support, (2) environment factor including pressure from competition, rapid shifts in production life cycle, and volatile price fluctuation, and (3) technology factor including technology maturity. The analysis shows how the contextual factors enabled diffusion of the technology in this big organization, with providing meaningful hypotheses which can be researched further.en_US
dc.subjectLG Electronicszh_TW
dc.subjectSupply chain managementzh_TW
dc.subjectDeterminant Factorszh_TW
dc.subjectLG Electronicsen_US
dc.subjectSupply chain managementen_US
dc.subjectDeterminant Factorsen_US
dc.title新科技導入供應鏈管理關鍵成功因素 以LG Electronics為例zh_TW
dc.titleDeterminant Factors of Adopting New Technology in Supply Chain Management – A Case Study of LG Electronicsen_US


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