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dc.description.abstract全球行動通訊系統 (UMTS) 為第三代行動通訊 (3G) 的主流規格之一。第三代行動通訊規格組織 (3GPP) 第五版中提出了IP多媒體子系統 (IMS),以提供多媒體服務。若要成功推廣IMS 服務,如何正確及合理地收取封包費用成為行動電信業者關心的議題。建置IMS服務需要精確的計費管理系統以及有效率的服務提供機制,因此,3GPP 第五及第六版提出了一個基於IP的即時計費系統 (OCS)。透過即時計費機制,電信業者可以更彈性地針對每筆交易處理帳戶餘額以及網路資源授權等。在3GPP Release 8 中所提出的策略與計費控制 (PCC) 架構能夠動態的管理網路資源以及執行計費功能,使得系統供應商可以配合不同的計費方式來提供更多元化及進階的服務。本論文中,設計並實作基於策略與計費控制系統並整合中華電信研究所的IMS實驗網路所開發的群組帳戶系統 。此系統提供標準的網路服務應用程式介面,系統管理者可以管理帳戶資料並制定扣款機制,而群組人員進行採購時,則依動態計費規則對帳戶進行扣款。最後,我們量測並分析其訊息延遲。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) is one of the major standards for the third generation (3G) mobile telecommunications. The 3G Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 5 introduced the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) to provide multimedia services. In order to successfully promote IMS services, how to charge packet data service accurately and reasonably has become a major concern of operators. The deployment of the IMS services requires effective charging management system and efficient service delivery mechanism. Therefore, the 3GPP Release 5 and 6 proposed the IP-based Online Charging System (OCS) to incorporate data applications with real-time control and management. Through online charging, an operator can ensure that credit limits are enforced and resources are authorized on a per-transaction basis. In 3GPP Release 8, the proposed Policy and Charging Control (PCC) architecture can manage Network resources dynamically and enforce charging functions. It makes operators can provide more diversified and advanced services in accordance with different charging methods. In this thesis, we present the design and implementation of Group Accounting System (GAS). GAS is based on PCC architecture and is integrated with the IMS of Chunghwa Telecom. Through the standard-based web service APIs furnished by the GAS, the administrator can manage accounts and develop charging rules. When the group members purchase, the OCS will deducts the amount of product from user’s account according to dynamic PCC rules. Finally, we measured and analyzed the message delay of purchasing.en_US
dc.subjectIP Multimedia Subsystemen_US
dc.subjectOnline Charging Systemen_US
dc.subjectPolicy and Charging Controlen_US
dc.titleDesign and Implementation of 3GPP Policy and Charging Control for Group Accounting Systemen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis