標題: 平板式聚光鏡最佳化設計
Optimized planar micro-optic concentrator design
作者: 蘇昱中
Pan, Jui-Wen
關鍵字: 平板式聚光鏡;倍率;可接受角;planar micro-optic concentrator;concentration ratio;acceptance angle
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 我們利用三個步驟去最佳化平板式聚光鏡的結構參數。首先,我們利用透鏡光圈值,微結構角度和在平板式聚光鏡內之光學路徑的關係讓三種導光板之材質下之平板式聚光鏡的直接損耗能夠最小化。第二為了使得平板式聚光鏡的非直接損耗能夠被減少,我們設定微結構之大小和透鏡之最小聚焦點相等。 最後,透鏡之光圈值和透鏡的入瞳直徑被決定利用光學模擬軟體模擬三種導光板之材質下透鏡之光圈值,透鏡的入瞳直徑,效率,可接受角和平板式聚光鏡厚度之關係。對於倍率為300倍經過優化後之平板式聚光鏡來說,透鏡的光圈值,透鏡的入瞳直徑,微結構的角度,厚度分別為1.8,1.52 mm,120度,4.23 mm。 微結構的大小為38.28µm和44.78µm時可接受角分別為0.209度和0.275度,效率分別為0.791和0.768。
We optimize the structure parameters of planar micro-optic concentrator by three steps. First, the direct-loss is minimized by the relation between f-number of lens-lets, the angle of micro-structure and the ray paths in the planar micro-optic concentrator under three kinds of material for the waveguide. Second, the size of micro-structure is determined to equal the mini-blur of the lens-lets in order to reduce the non direct-loss, Third, the f-number of lens-lets and entrance pupil diameter of lens-lets is determined by the relation between the f-number of lens-lets, the entrance pupil diameter of lens-lets, the optical efficiency, the acceptance angle and the thickness of planar micro-optic concentrator from result of the optical simulation under three kinds of material for the waveguide. For an optimized planar micro-optic concentrator with a 300X concentration, the f-number, the EPD of the lens-lets, , the angle of the micro-structure and the thickness of the planar micro-optic concentrator are 1.8, 1.52mm, 120 degrees and 4.23mm, respectively. For a micro-structure sized 38.28 µm and 44.78µm, the half acceptance angle of the planar micro-optic concentrator is 0.209 and 0.275 degrees, respectively, and the optical efficiency is 0.791 and 0.768, respectively.