標題: | 應用無線單通道腦電波量測器之神經復健研究 The study of neuro- rehabilitation using wireless single channel EEG device |
作者: | 張天福 Chang, Tien-Fu 邱俊誠 Chiou, Jin-Chern 電控工程研究所 |
關鍵字: | 復健;rehabilitation |
公開日期: | 2011 |
摘要: | 本論文呈現一種有助於患者自發性復健的方式,以及結合腦波完成一套新式神經復健系統。當使用者想像手部運動時,會產生特定腦波,判別此腦波並用其操控機器,帶動手部運動,應用神經復健之原理,以達到加強此生物回饋機制的效果。本論文分析了受測者的事件相關(event related)動作想像(motor imagery, MI)之腦波,運用獨立成份分析(Independent Component Analysis, ICA)及其他腦波分析方法,如事件相關頻譜擾動(Event Related Spectral Perturbation, ERSP)等,找到最適合的波段與時間並經過程式模擬測試演算法,達到即時控制與準確的標準,接著利用感測器接收腦波與DSP晶片處理,控制機器,帶動手部運動。
依照此分析方法與系統架構實現方式,本系統可成功的判讀腦波,即時且準確的控制復健機器轉動,讓癱瘓或中風患者可自行操作機器以進行復健。此系統完成後,在未來將可以大幅縮短復健所需時間,以強化復健效果與節省許多人力資源。 This research conceives a new way of self-rehabilitation which is more helpful for patients, combined with brain waves to approach a new neuro-rehabilitation system. When the user is imaging hand action, the brain will produce a special kind of brain wave, and the system is recognizing the brain wave to control machine to take user’s hand moving, with the principle of neuro-rehabilitation and the enhancement of the bio-feedback method, then this system can make a better rehabilitating effect. The study analyzes the subjects’ event related motor imagery (MI) by using independent component analysis (ICA) and many other brain wave analyzing methods, such as event related spectral perturbation (ERSP), to find the best frequencies and time to recognize, using the sensor to receive brain waves and DSP chip with some algorithms to control the motor to take targets’ hand moving. Using this method of brain wave analyzing and system architecture, the system can recognize motor imagery brain wave successfully and control the rehabilitation machine quickly, to imitate the self-behaviors of paralyzed or stroke patients. This system is hoped to shorten the rehabilitating time greatly and promote the effect, and even saving many human resources. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/49238 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |