Title: 應用在訊號不足之駕駛輔助系統中以俯仰角協助的道路邊線追蹤演算法
A Pitch-Aided Lane Tracking Algorithm for Driver Assistance System with Insufficient Observations
Authors: 鄧智偉
Tang, Chi-Wai
Feng, Kai-Ten
Keywords: 駕駛輔助系統;道路偵測系統;影像處理;粒子濾波器;道路邊線追蹤;Driver assistance system;Lane detection system;Image processing;Particle filter;Lane tracking
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 駕駛輔助系統對於駕駛安全以及提高駕駛效率是非常重要的。而道路邊界偵測警告系統(LDWS)是駕駛輔助系統裡重要一環,其主要針對如駕駛者誤判、過度疲勞而造成駕駛疏忽等異常的駕駛行為作出相應的訊息警告。另外,由於行動裝置(例如,智慧型手機、平板電腦)的迅速發展以及普及性,擁有可感測、可錄影的裝置、在開發上俱有強大的整合能力以及彈性使得它有足夠的基楚發展成為LDWS 系統。 在這一篇碩論裡,我們提出以俯仰角偵測協助結合粒子濾波器(Particle Filter)之道路邊線偵測及追蹤(PALT)演算法來偵測汽車前方的道路邊線。當中,透過觀察汽車駕駛時會搖晃震動連帶造成偵測上的誤差而發展出一個俯仰角偵測模組,而這個模組是透過俯仰角來反映出因汽車的震動在視角上的偏移造成的影響。另外,當訊號不足的情況下PALT 顯然可以補足由於偵測失敗所導致系統沒法反應。在數次的模擬結果中,可以觀察到在不同的情形下(例如:長時間訊號不足(BIO)或短時間訊號不足(SIO))PALT 還是可以保持較穩定的偵測結果,相對於沒有加入俯仰角偵測模組的系統裡,PALT 顯然可以克服來自于俯仰角的雜訊產生的偵測誤差,因此表示得比較好。而到現階段為止,除了已經把PALT 針對多種情形進行模擬以外,同時也開始把系統實作在智慧型手機上,並已初步得到一些實作成果,相信這些成果在未來不僅能夠對駕駛輔助系統作更深入的了解,而且能夠應用在日常生活上。
The driver assistance system (DAS) is important to assist drivers with driving safety and efficiency. The lane departure warning system (LDWS), being an essential portion within the DAS, aims at providing warning messages under irregular driving behaviors due to distraction, drowsiness, or driver negligence. As the developments of mobile devices are boosted vigorously, it becomes more feasible to integrate sensing, photographing and displaying components within the LDWS. In this paper, the pitch-aided lane tracking (PALT) algorithm is proposed to detect and track the lanes on the roadways base on the particle filter. A pitch model is proposed to track the lane attributes associated with the pitch angle of a mobile device in order to conquer the effects from bumpy road and loosely-equipped of a mobile device. Moreover, the proposed PALT scheme can compensate the influences of insufficient observations from the display. Numerical results show that proposed PALT scheme can provide better lane-tracking performance compared to both original observations and the model without considering pitch angle.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文