标题: 高效率可延展的档案搜寻协定
A Scalable Lookup Protocol for Efficient Data Retrieval
作者: 李冠佑
Lee, Kuan-Yu
Lee, Tsern-Huei
关键字: 动态杂凑;离散式储存系统;刻度化的档案结构;dynamic hash;distributed storage system;scalable data structure
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 在一个大型储存系统的网路里,设计一个能够有效并且能够快速搜寻档案的资料结构是一件很重要的事情。以目前来说,树状结构跟杂凑是两种比较通用的解决办法。

在这个论文里,我们呈现了一种新颖的分散式搜寻的协定来应付这个问题,我们命名为动态杂凑(Dynamic Hash),这个动态杂凑使用一个刻度化的结构,用来提供如何将档案定位到某个节点上,并且能够支持着节点的加入以及删除。另外,它能够以移动节点的方式轻松的达成负载平衡,并且能够动态的减少节点来降低他的电力消耗。

In distributed storage networks, it is important to design a scalable data structure for efficient data retrieval. Generally speaking, tree structures and hash tables are common ways to solve this kind of problems.

In this paper, we present a novel distributed lookup protocol, called Dynamic Hash, to address this problem. The proposed Dynamic Hash is a scalable structure which provides support for locating the data stored on a node and efficiently handles nodes joining and leaving the system. Besides, it can easily achieve load balancing by adding nodes and reduce power consumption by removing nodes dynamically.

Compared with related hash schemes, the proposed Dynamic Hash protocol is more scalable, relieves hot spots and requires very little overhead.