標題: 內藏式永磁同步馬達在弱磁控制策略下之PDFF控制器設計
PDFF Controller Design for Field-Weakening Algorithm Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
作者: 游以成
Cheng, Stone
關鍵字: 內藏式永磁同步馬達;最大轉矩電流比;弱磁控制;PDFF;IPMSM;MPTA;field weakening;PDFF
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究採用弱磁控制策略,將內藏式永磁同步馬達(IPMSM)使用PDFF控制器做控制器設計。內藏式永磁同步馬達將永久磁鐵埋藏於轉子中,其q軸電感值大於d軸電感值,此為與表面式永磁同步馬達(SPMSM)最大的差異。IPMSM結構適用於高速轉動,並可搭配弱磁(field-weakening)控制策略,增加馬達工作區域,使馬達轉速提升至額定轉速之上。隨著馬達轉速提升,馬達控制模式從定轉矩區域的每安培最大轉矩(MTPA)控制策略,延伸至定功率區域的弱磁控制策略,以達到超越額定轉速的高速轉動目標。在控制器設計上,本研究採用PDFF控制器取代傳統的PI控制器,並藉由調整PDFF控制器的三個參數,讓系統在響應速度與直流剛性之間得到較好的選擇。 本文藉由模擬與實驗的結果,驗證在弱磁控制區使用PDFF控制器時,可得到較好的響應速度。
In this paper, the field-weakening control strategy is used for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM) with PDFF controller. The IPMSM is buried in a permanent magnet rotor. The motor’s q-axis inductance value is more than d-axis inductance value, and it’s the difference to Surface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (SPMSM). The motor’s structure is fit with high speed. The motor speed is more than base speed if using the field weakening control. As the motor speed arise, motor control mode will change from maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) control algorithm in constant torque area to field weakening (FW) control algorithm in constant power area to achieve the high speed, which is more than base speed. In the controller design, this paper use PDFF controller which replace the conventional PI controller. By tuning three parameters of PDFF controller, the response rate and DC gain will be better choice. The paper shows that the velocity response in field-weakening region can be better with PDFF controller by the results of the simulations and the experiments.