標題: 設計即時通訊與膝傷害防護功能並在電動腳踏車平台上實現
The Function of Real-time Communication and Knee Injury Protection Design with The Special Reference to The Electrical Bicycle
作者: 蕭吉助
關鍵字: 電動腳踏車;膝蓋受力;直觀動態模型;electric bike;Knee protect;forward dynamic model;cycling knee force
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究旨在設計出能夠輔助多台電動腳踏車互相溝通並監控隊友車況的即時通訊功能與利用電動輔助的方式減少在騎乘腳踏車時膝蓋受到的週期性傷害的膝傷害防護功能,使用C#開發一人機互動介面可供使用者操作,每台電動腳踏車均需安裝一台平板電腦,透過WiFi無線網路的Ad-hoc模式使腳踏車上的電腦可以互相連線,本研究使用WCF、PNRP、PNMs工具設計即時通訊功能的點對點傳輸架構以支援多台腳踏車連線,,在連線建立後即於人機介面上觀測到隊友車況如車速、電池電量、控制器溫度等,並可以互相通話,必要時領對可以遠端控制友車,如此在發生緊急狀況時便可立即發現並給予支援,達成維護車隊安全的目的。而膝傷害防護功能是將騎乘腳踏車的動作模擬成一個四連桿機構模型以分析踩踏動作,在此模擬中需要輸入適當的關節力矩才能達到穩態的週期性動作。透過對這個模型的力學分析可以計算出每個踩踏角度對應的膝蓋受力,當計算出的膝蓋受力過大時,電動輔助力便會加入以減少膝蓋受力。在本研究中,針對踩踏模型輸入的關節力矩被簡化成只輸入膝關節力矩以及臀關節力矩。膝蓋受力的計算是透過分析膝蓋骨格模型中各骨骼的相對位置而來。為了確認模型的正確性,模擬在不同坡度下的膝蓋受力變化並與先前文獻比對,結果模擬與文獻資料是一致的。為了解膝蓋傷害防護功能的實施效果,請受測者騎在一台後輪裝配有一無刷直流馬達的電動腳踏車並將踩踏速率設定在60 RPM 以及 100 RPM,實驗中量測方法實施前與實施後股四頭肌中的股直肌、股內側肌、股外側肌的機電訊號並與模擬結果做比對,而在方法實施後,受測者的膝蓋受力有明顯的下降。
The target of this research is to design an E-bike real-time communication function which can connect multi-bikes and monitor teammate’s bike situation whiling riding and a knee injury protection function which can reduce the cycling knee injury with the electrical power aid, there’s a HMI developed by C# which can operated by the user. Each E-bike in the team need to equip a tablet computer, the team members can connect each other through the Ad-hoc mode of the WiFi wireless technique. In this research, WCF, PNRP, and PNMs was used to design peer to peer structure to transport data, after connecting the team members can observe another bike’s situations such as speed, battery, current, and the temperature of controller by the HMI, through the function the team members can also talk to each other. For the very situation the team leader can even take control of the teammate’s bike. By this way, the emergency situation can be observed and removed immediately so the security of the whole team could be assured. In the knee injury function, the locomotion of biking is emulated by a four-bar linkage model, which is precise enough to analyze the pedaling motion and the required torque input in the steady-state cycling. The patella compressive force calculated in different pedaling angle is assessed using this model, which enables the correct timing and magnitude for the electrical power input for reducing the knee force. In this research, we have restricted the power input of the bicycle-rider system from only the hip and knee torque. The patella force was calculated by the geometry relation between patella, thigh, and shank. To identify the model, EMG data were collected from three heads of quadriceps: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis, The experimental data of rectus femoris, set to pedal at 60 rpm and 100 rpm on an electric bicycle with a BLDC motor installed on the rear wheel, shows that the consistency to the knee force calculated from the four bar linkage model, and the knee force was significantly reduced with the electrical power aid.