Title: 氮化鎵非極性a面光子晶體高Q值發光元件特性之研究
Study on non-polar a-plane GaN-based photonic crystal high Q light emitters.
Authors: 羅盛雲
Lo, Sheng-Yun
Lu, Tien-Chang
Chen, Chyong-Hua
Keywords: 氮化鎵;非極性a面;光子晶體;GaN;nonpolar a-plane;photonic crystal
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 在這篇論文中,我們成功製作出非極性a面氮化鎵光子晶體能帶邊緣型發光元件和光子晶體缺陷型發光元件,並研究其特性。在光子晶體能帶邊緣型發光元件的研究中,是利用底下的氮化鋁當作低折射層,並利用3D-FDTD和RCWA模擬對我們實驗結果進行驗證。並觀察到在非極性a面氮化鎵的材料有非等向性增益的現象,這個現象也表現在極化率的增加上。在光子晶體缺陷型發光元件中,我們利用聚焦離子束系統搭配研磨來製作我們的非極性a面氮化鎵的薄膜結構,並在薄膜上製作缺陷型H2共振腔。並在低溫77K量測下,量測到高Q值(3200)的結果。我們也利用FDTD的模擬對我們實驗結果作驗證。
In this thesis, we have demonstrated non-polar GaN-based photonic crystal band-edge light emitters and H2 defect high Q cavity. Their optical characteristic were also measured and analyzed. For the band-edge light emitters, the AlN layer was used to be low index layer. We measured the μ_PL spectra at 77K, we observed a band edge resonant mode and enhancement of DOP. The enhancement of DOP is due to the anisotropic gain of non-polar a-plane GaN. Due to low Q value of the band-edge type light emitters, we can to fabricated the photonic crystal defect H2 cavity. We use FIB and CMP technique to fabricated a-plane GaN membrane. In μ_PL measurement at 77K, we observe high Q value (3200). We also use 3D FDTD to simulate the defect H2 cavity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis