標題: 可應用於雙視點顯示器之品質指數(ΔX3D)涵蓋重影、影像差異以及動態模糊
The 3D Display Index (ΔX3D) Including Crosstalk, Disparity, and Motion Blur for Two-View Stereoscopic Displays
作者: 簡又儀
Chien, Yu-Yi
Shieh, Han-Ping
Huang, Yi-Pai
關鍵字: 立體顯示器品質指數;ΔX3D;重影;影像差異;動態模糊;立體顯示器;雙視點;3D display index;ΔX3D;crosstalk;disparity;motion blur;3D display;two-view
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 分光不完全的三維立體顯示器(3D display),會對影像造成重影(crosstalk),使觀賞品質下降,甚至產生視覺疲勞與不適。藉由人因實驗,觀察到在不同情況下,可接受景深(visual depth)變化的情形;而動態影像所導致的動態模糊(motion blur,受LC反應時間影響)更使得人眼對影像接受程度有所改變,因此單純以重影做為3D影像品質的評斷標準稍嫌不足。將重影、影像差異 (disparity,與景深成正相關)、動態模糊這三項因素都納入考量,並提出一個新的指標,也就是3D display index(ΔX3D),用來量化雙視點(two-view)的3D顯示器品質。此項指標不僅是考慮了3D顯示器的光學品質,同時加入了顯示畫面的影像差異,進一步加上動態影像的效果,從實驗上我們也證實了ΔX3D 與人因實驗結果有0.8的正相關係數。重影為雙眼視差之立體顯示系統的本質問題,要改善此現象的最根本的方法必須從顯示系統著手,但在此之前我們利用人因實驗得知人眼對3D顯示器品質的可接受程度,並訂定出立體顯示的規範(可接受的影像品質其對應的ΔX3D門檻值為靜態影像:0.80%、動態影像:1.66%),將可應用在3D顯示工業做為評鑑指標。
In stereoscopic displays, crosstalk will be observed when the views for both eyes are not clearly separated. Crosstalk affects the quality of 3D images; moreover, it can cause visual fatigue to the observers. According to the perception experimental results, different visual depth and motion blur can cause the perception of crosstalk different. Therefore, considering crosstalk, disparity, and motion blur (moving speed and GTG response time), we proposed an evaluation index to quantify the 3D performance for two-view Stereoscopic displays. This index not just take the optical quality of 3D display into account, the disparity of images and motion blur effect are also concerned. According to the experimental results, the 3D display index (∆X3D) was proven to have a high positive correlation (0.8) with human perception. Crosstalk is an intrinsic issue of binocular parallax 3D display. However, after combining the human visual mechanism and the ∆X3D value, we can set the order of 3D display (the threshold ΔX3D values of acceptable 3D performance are 0.80% for static images and 1.66% for dynamic images) and apply the ∆X3D value to the 3D display industry as a standard index.
Appears in Collections:Thesis