標題: 偽造來源分散式阻斷攻擊之來源端防禦方法
A Defense Scheme against Spoofed DDoS Attacks at the Source
作者: 王勝鉉
Sheng-Hsuan Wang
Shiuh-pyng Shieh
關鍵字: 偽造來源分散式阻斷攻擊;來源網路;spoofed DDoS;source network
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 分散式阻斷攻擊對網路是一個嚴重的威脅,尤其是偽造來源的分散式阻斷攻擊,更是嚴重。儘管已經有許多防禦這類型攻擊的方法被提出,但是這些方法在一些應用環境下並不適用,像在Mobile IP的環境。因為這些方法會直接過濾掉偽造來源的封包。
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, especially spoofed DDoS attacks, are a serious threat to the Internet. In the last few years, much research has been devoted to investigate the detection and prevention of spoofed DDoS attacks. However, these approaches are impractical for some types of services, such as Mobile IP, because they filter all spoofed traffic.
We proposed a source-end spoofed DDoS defense scheme that accurately detects and effectively prevents spoofed DDoS attacks to protect servers. The scheme allows the non-attack spoofed traffic to enter the Internet because it classifies the traffic and applies different policies to distinct types. Three characteristics of spoofed DDoS attacks are applied to design the detection scheme. First, the enormous volume of attack traffic is sent to the victim. Second, source addresses of packets are forged in order to conceal origins of attacks and to filter hard at the victim. Third, there is the high packet loss rate along paths to the victim. The prevention scheme blocks or limits the allowed bandwidth of attack traffic according to its behavior. Finally, experiment results showed that the scheme can effectively prevent spoofed DDoS attacks.


  1. 754401.pdf

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