標題: 不同性格之台灣消費者對於信用卡罰款之觀感探討
Different Types of Consumers' Perception on Credit Card Penalty Fee in Taiwan
作者: 康培萱
Kang, Pei-Hsuan
Huang, Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 信用卡;罰款;個人主義;集體主義;忠誠度;關係強度;credit card;penalty fee;individualism;collectivism;loyalty;relationship strength
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究旨在探討台灣眾多信用卡持有者當中,不同性格的消費者被信用卡公司處以罰款後的觀感是否會因為性格的差異而有所不同,以及在各個消費者與公司忠誠度不同、關係強度不同的情況下,是否也會影響對被處以罰款後的感受。另外在施以priming的操弄後,原本不同性格的消費者對於罰款的觀感是否會有顯著差異,亦為本研究欲探討之內容。 以網路發放情境式問卷的形式作為研究手法,再以敘述性統計、T檢定以及ANOVA分析來處理收回的問卷結果,檢驗事實是否與假設相符合。結果發現: 1.不同性格的消費者確實對於罰款的觀感有顯著不同,具有團體主義人格的消費者會比個人主義人格特質的消費者更不願意付信用卡罰款。 2.與公司忠誠度不同的客戶中,對於信用卡罰款無顯著差異,以敘述性統計比較的結果發現忠程度低的客人會比忠誠度高的客人更不公平且不願意付信用卡罰款。 3.和公司關係強度不同的客戶間的確會對於被處以信用卡罰款的觀感有顯著的不同,和公司的關係強度所造成公平且願意付信用卡罰款的感覺,具有團體主義人格的消費者會比個人主義人格特質的消費者來得大。 4.對具有個人主義特質人格和團體主義特質人格的人prime相同的價值觀後,會增加相同的不公平且不願意付的感覺。 5.對個人主義特質人格的人prime 團體主義後,會增加不公平且不願意付的感覺;對團體主義特質人格的人prime 個人主義後,會減少不公平且不願意付的感覺。
This study aimed to explore the perception differences between different types of credit card holders in Taiwan, who are imposed penalty fee by credit card companies. And whether different loyalty and different relationship strength affect the perception of the consumer after being imposed penalty fee. In addition, finding out that if there is any significant difference between the perceptions on penalty fee of different types of consumers after priming methodology is also what we want to realize in the study. After sending out the situational questionnaires in the internet, we use the Descriptive Statistics, T test and ANOVA test to examine whether the truth meets the hypothesis. The results show that: 1.Consumers of collectivism will perceive a higher degree of unfairness and unwillingness to pay for penalty than consumers of individualism. 2.There is no significant perception difference between the customers that have the different loyalty. The Descriptive Statistic shows that perception of unfairness and unwillingness to pay for the penalty will be greater for the customers who are less loyal than others. 3.The influence of relationship strength on unfair perception and unwillingness to pay will be greater for consumers of collectivism than for consumers of individualism. 4.Priming the same value (collectivism or individualism) in collectivism consumers and individualism consumers will induce the same unfairness perception and unwillingness to pay. 5.Priming collectiveness among individualism consumers will increase unfairness perception and unwillingness to pay. Priming individualism among collectivism consumers will decrease unfairness perception and unwillingness to pay.