Title: | Y世代消費者綠色服飾願付價格研究-以購物傾向、流行傾向與綠色消費型態為探討因素 A Study of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Friendly Clothing for Generation Y: the Influences of Shopping Orientation, Fashion Orientation and Green Consumption Style. |
Authors: | 祁婉寧 Chi, Wen-Ning 朱博湧 Chu, Po Young 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | Y世代;購物傾向;流行傾向;綠色產品;願付價格;綠色消費型態;Generation Y;consumers’ willingness to pay;green product;shopping orientation;fashion orientation |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 綠色消費儼然變成社會大眾關注的議題,消費者透過購買環境友善之產品改變生產者的生產行為,而企業也紛紛投入綠色產品市場,除了負起對環境的責任,也期待開創新的市場利基、提升企業形象。然而,從過去的市場調查發現,在所有產品條件都相同的狀況下,消費者願意購買比較環保的產品,但事實上,當消費者被迫在產品特質以及拯救環境做選擇時,大多數消費者並不會為了愛護地球而犧牲自己的需要,由此可見綠色行銷目前仍有許多需要努力的空間。本研究針對Y世代的綠色消費行為做探討,旨在了解Y世代消費者購買綠色服飾的考量因素,以及消費者對綠色服飾願意支付的價格水準與差異來源。研究結果顯示,影響Y世代綠色服飾願付價格的主要因素為消費者對購物及流行的態度,由此可見,產品本身屬性特色必須先滿足消費者需求,此時加入綠色訴求或其他附加價值才會獲得消費者認同和較高的評價。 With the increasing social and political pressures, many firms embraced green marketing strategies in their businesses. However, some recent surveys found that even consumers demonstrated a high degree of environmental attitude they still put their preferences and basic needs as the first priority when purchasing products. Therefore, companies must first characterize consumers’ green purchasing decisions and then dere green marketing strategies. The objectives of this study are to examine the Generation Y consumer segments’ selection attributes and willingness to pay for the environmentally friendly clothing. This study identified three different consumer segments of Generation Y according to their green consumption styles and attitudes toward shopping and fashion. Across the three segments, there was a significant difference among their willingness to pay for the environmentally friendly clothing. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50006 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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