標題: 人力仲介網站之使用意願研究
A Study of the Usage Intention of Employment Websites
作者: 袁立
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 人力仲介網站;求職者特性;求職者認知;求職者信任;Employment website;Job seekers’ characteristics;Job seekers’ cognition;Job seekers’ trust
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 從傳統在報章雜誌上找尋工作職缺,到現今使用網際網路為平台,網際網路的出現不但改變了求職者尋找工作的模式,也改變了目前企業的徵才模式,從實體的書面作業轉變至虛擬的線上互動。然而在這轉變過程中,求職者線上尋找工作的意願卻沒有顯著的提升,主要是因為求職者對於認知及信任感還尚未完全建立。 本研究目的主要有二,(1)探討求職者特性、求職者認知、求職者信任及人力仲介網站使用意願之關連性研究;(2)針對各研究構面找出具有相關性的變數,來驗證對於人力仲介網站使用意願之影響程度。 本研究以曾使用過網際網路之求職者族群為調查母體,用簡單隨機抽樣與線上問卷平台(My Survey)來蒐集問卷資料,應用統計軟體SPSS For Windows 18.0來分析資料。共計有120人填寫,其回收問卷總份數為120份,問卷有效回收率為100%。本研究利用信度分析、敘述性統計分析、變異數分析、皮爾森相關分析等統計方法,針對受訪者填答之結果進行分析。 本研究的研究結果發現,求職者特性對上人力仲介網站求職意願存在著有顯著關連性影響,本研究顯示31-40歲、擁有碩士學位、每周平均上網次數較少的求職者,其人力仲介網站使用意願較高;而在求職者認知及求職者信任對於人力仲介網站使用意願皆有顯著影響。最後,本研究提出建議,作為人力仲介網站業者與後續研究者之參考依據。
The appearance of Internet has not only changed the lives of job seekers, but also the employment process of companies, transformed from the platform of physical magazines or newspapers to virtual website. However, the frequency of people to find jobs online has not risen during this transformation mainly because job seekers haven’t completely developed the cognition and the sense of trust of the Internet. There are two major purposes of this study. First, the study tries to find out the relationship among job seekers’ characteristics, Job seekers’ cognition, job seekers’ trust and the usage intention of employment website. Second, the study searches for related variables from different dimensions to show their impact on the usage intention of employment website. The research sample was taken from the job seekers who have the experience of using Internet. We then implement simple random sampling, collect questionnaires through an online survey website, My Survey, and use Statistical Software SPSS for Windows 18.0 to analyze the data. A total of 120 subjects completed the questionnaire; the effective response rate is 100%. This study applies statistical methods such as reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, ANOVA, correlation analysis. There are three results of this study. First, there is a relationship between the job seekers’ characteristic and the usage intention of employment website. Second, it showed that the job seekers, being in the middle age, having master degree, with lower frequency of surfing the Internet, are more willing to find jobs online. Third, there is also a significant effect on the job seekers’ cognition and the job seekers’ trusts on the usage intention of employment website. This research finally also offers suggestions for the employment website service and the following researcher.