Title: 代言人可信度與涉入程度對購買意願之影響─以按摩椅為例
A Study of the Impact of Endorser Credibility and Involvement on Consumers' Intention to Purchase – The Case of Massage Chairs
Authors: 錢軍達
Chien, Chun-Da
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 代言人可信度;涉入程度;購買意願;endorser credibility;involvement;consumers' intention to purchase
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 有鑑於台灣逐年邁向高齡化社會,人口結構的改變帶動了不同的商機發展,按摩椅為高齡化社會之受惠產品之一。近年來電視上是出現許多按摩椅的廣告,傲勝、三陽、松下等公司不約而同的都使用了代言人的廣告策略推薦觀眾購買,當中按摩椅廠商可能要考慮到如何選擇合適的代言人,才能有效增加消費者購買意願,或是代言人策略是否會因為消費者的涉入程度高低而抵銷或是增強代言人的效果。
本研究以按摩椅作為分析的產品,研究對象選擇選擇家中已有按摩椅或是曾經考慮購買按摩椅的族群,透過網路問卷的方式蒐集問卷,應用統計軟體SPSS for windows 18.0來分析資料。另外,本研究利用信度分析、敘述性統計分析、皮爾森相關分析、層級回歸分析等統計方法,針對受訪者填答之結果進行分析。探討代言人可信度與涉入程度對消費者購買意願是否具有影響,透過網路問卷方式,以層級回歸的方式研究其中涉入程度是否具有干擾效果,使用Zaichkowsky於1994發展的個人涉入衡量量表(Revised Personal Involvement Inventory Scale),與Ohanian於1991年的定義的的代言人可信度與購買意願問項作為衡量工具。
As massage chairs benefit from population aging, there are more and more television commercials of massage chairs. What’s surprised us is that those companies all use the method of endorsing. These companies may need to consider how to choose an appropriate endorser to increase consumer’s intention to purchase, and to find out whether consumers’ intention to purchase would be affected by the consumers’ involvement.
This study used massage chairs as the research target. The research sample was taken from people who already had a massage chair or might have considered buying a massage chair. We collected questionnaires through internet, and used statistical software SPSS for Windows 18.0 to analyze the data. Also, this study applied statistical methods such as reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis.
There are three results of this study. First, there is a positive relationship between the endorser credibility and intention to purchase. Second, attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise are significant factors affecting the respondents’ intention to purchase. Third, the moderating effect of consumers’ involvement between endorser credibility and consumers’ intention to purchase is not significant. This research finally offers suggestion for companies of massage chairs and the following researcher.
Appears in Collections:Thesis