Title: 運用基因演算法及最佳化資源分配法求解隨機需求之長期車輛問題
Using Genetic Algorithm and Optimal Computing Budget Allocation to Solve Long-run Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands
Authors: 陳嘉珮
Chen, Chia-Pei
Yao, Ming-Jong
Lin, Jen-Yen
Keywords: 隨機需求;車輛路線問題;基因演算法;蒙地卡羅模擬法;最佳化計算資源分配法;Stochastic Demands;Vehicle Routing Problem;Genetic Algorithm;Monte Carlo Simulation;Optimal Computing Budget Allocation
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 自從Dantzig和Ramser於1959年提出車輛路線問題(Vehicle Routing Problem, VRP)後,許多學者均致力研究該問題及其相關變形,然而由於實務中存在許多不確定性,故近年來越來越多的研究均將研究重心轉向於求解含隨機性的車輛路線問題(Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem, SVRP)
針對本研究之情境,本研究建立一數學模式,提出運用基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)求解最佳拜訪順序,且由於本研究含隨機性,故運用蒙地卡羅模擬法以驗證實驗結果(Monte Carlo Simulation, MCS),並結合最佳化計算資源分配法(Optimal Computing Budget Allocation, OCBA)提升求解效率。研究結果顯示本研究提出之求解演算法之求解品質較最近鄰點法(Nearest Neighbor, NN)好,最後依數值測試結果提出實務上之建議。
Since Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) was introduced by Dantzig and Ramser in 1959, numerous research efforts have been devoted to it and its variants. However, as there are full of uncertainties in real world, more and more researches have focus on stochastic versions of the VRP in recent years. According to one of global forwarding companies in Taiwan, in case of not knowing who should be responsible for some customers being omitted, each driver has been assigned a “responsible region” to satisfy every customer’s demands in his region. Besides, in practice, customer’s demand is a random variable, which means it may be zero in a certain day, in order to save traveling cost, driver doesn’t need to visit those who have zero demand, just heading to next customer directly to save traveling cost. Moreover, cars have capacity limits, whenever customer’s demand exceeds car’s capacity, we called it route failure, which will cause extra cost to take recourse action. However, it will cost a lot if global forwarder want to reschedule driver’s visiting route based on the actual situation every day. In addition, stochastic models also arise naturally in situations where routes are planned for a long planning horizon but executed repeatedly during that horizon. Therefore, in this research, we focus on a single responsible region (single vehicle) and customers have stochastic demands, under this scenario, we formulate a mathematical modal and propose a hybrid algorithm which is combined with Genetic Algorithm (GA), Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) and Optimal Computing Budget Allocation (OCBA) trying to find a near optimal solution in a reasonable time which can suggest the global forwarder a fixed visiting route to save total cost. According to the results of numerical test, we found this algorithm preforms much better than nearest neighbor algorithm, and based on these results, we give some suggestions to the real world.
Appears in Collections:Thesis