标题: 应用变数产生法求解电动公车车辆排程问题
A Column Generation Approach for Electric Bus Scheduling Problem
作者: 陈玥心
Chen, Iue-Shin
Wang, Jin-Yuan
关键字: 电动公车车辆排程问题;集合分割问题;变数产生法;Electric bus scheduling problem;Set-partitioning problem;Column generation
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究之目的即是针对未来电动公车所需车辆数大于充电座个数的情况下,使客运业者可针对电动公车的充电特性等产生成本最小的车辆排程表,其排程表除了需配合公车发车时刻表执行所有的任务外,也需考量电动公车之续航力、充电时间、夜间充电及充电座个数等。本研究将电动公车车辆排程问题(Electric Bus Scheduling Problem)建构为一集合分割问题,并提出一套以变数产生法(Column Generation)为基础的演算法求解。此演算法以变数产生法、分支定限法与解决重复涵盖问题的启发式解法三大部分所组成。本研究将子问题设计为考虑充电特性的最短路径问题,使用修正后的Dijkstra’s演算法与启发式解法求解。
Due to the rapid development of electric buses, electric bus scheduling becomes an important issue for many bus carries. We first formulate this problem as a set-partitioning problem. The column generation based algorithms are proposed for solving this model. The algorithm consists of three phases: column generation, branch and bound, and heuristic local search. The column generation sub-problem is formulated as a multi-attribute shortest path problem with extra side constraints. We also propose a multi-label shortest path algorithm based on the Dijkstra’s algorithm for generating new column.

This study uses simulated testing problems to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. The simulated problems consist of four characteristics: service frequency, path length, number of electric charging stations and type of charging station. The testing results show the proposed model and the associated solving technique are sound and promising. The numerical experiments also show that the increment of charging stations could effectively decrease the number of buses required.