Title: 基本面、籌碼面與總體經濟對台灣半導體產業股票報酬影響之研究
The Impact of Fundamental, Institutional Investors and Credit Trading, Macroeconomics on Stock Returns of Taiwanese Semiconductor Industry
Authors: 徐偉強
Hsu, Wei-Chiang
Chang, Yung-Chia
Li, Rong-Kwei
Keywords: 股票報酬;基本面;籌碼面;總體經濟;半導體產業;逐步迴歸分析;stock returns;fundamental;institutional investors and credit trading;macroeconomics;semiconductor industry;stepwise regression analysis
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本論文研究基本面、籌碼面與總體經濟對台灣半導體產業股票報酬之影響。將基本面分析變數、籌碼面分析變數與總體經濟變數對年股票報酬率,建立逐步迴歸分析預測模型,來探討哪些變數對股票報酬有顯著的影響。基本面分析可以了解公司的實際經營狀況,籌碼面分析可以了解三大法人和融資融券對這家公司股票的投資行為,總體經濟可以了解整體的經濟情況,故本研究同時將三大因素來探討股票報酬。
The thesis is about that the impact of fundamental, institutional investors and credit trading, and macroeconomics on stock returns of Taiwanese semiconductor industry. Stepwise regression analysis was applied to establish a forecast model about that fundamental variables, institutional investors and credit trading variables, and macroeconomic variables on stock returns.
229 samples collected between year 2001 and 2007 based on 57 companies selected from Taiwanese semiconductor industry. Using stepwise regression analysis, a stock return forecast model was established. The empirical results showed that fundamental variables, institutional investors and credit trading variables, and macroeconomic variables have significant influence on stock returns. The model established has an explanatory power of 79.3%. This thesis concludes that fundamental, institutional investors and credit trading, and macroeconomics do have significant influence on stock returns. The study result can be used as a reference of investing stocks for long-term investors in semiconductor industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis