Title: 網路服務動態協同合作下的一個具有信任度的推薦機制
A Social-trust-based Recommendation Mechanism for Web Service Dynamic Collaboration
Authors: 楊雅晴
Yang, Ya-Ching
Lo, Chi-Chun
Keywords: 網路服務;網路服務水平協議;社交信任網路;動態協同合作;Web services;Web Service Level Agreement;Social Trust Network;Dynamic Collaboration
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 在現今分散式的企業合作環境下,許多公司使用網路服務技術來提供企業資料、應用程式以及網路基礎設施等資源予以客戶,並與其他相關或合作企業透過彼此的資源分享來共同完成目標任務,然而在企業合作環境的過程中,要從眾多類似功能的網路服務中尋找出最好的網路服務組合是相當困難的,目前純粹以服務品質來挑選網路服務已不能滿足需求。在動態協作過程中,不只需考量到網路服務的品質、功能性、匹配程度等屬性是否符合要求,另外也應該參考企業之間的社交信任度,這些條件都將影響到動態協作成功與否。本研究針對網路服務動態協同合作提出了一個具有信任度的推薦機制。本機制共有三階段,第一階段先以請求者之服務水平協議(Service Level Agreement)過濾不符合任務需求的網路服務並將符合要求之服務的品質加以量化、排序;第二階段建立網路服務的社交信任網路,進而取得請求者信任之網路服務排名,第三階段綜合考量網路服務之品質保證及信任度來推薦請求者最佳的網路服務組合。我們也針對提出的機制設計了6個不同的情境來進行實驗,並且由實驗結果得知,在所有情境中皆優於傳統僅考慮品質或信任的方法,其檢出率都高達87.5%以上。
In the distributed commercial environment, many enterprises utilize Web services to provide their resources such as data and applications to consumers. They collaborate with other relevant enterprises to accomplish tasks by sharing processes and resources. However, it is difficult to find the best web service combination for enterprise. Because the Quality of Services (QoS) that are widely used to select Web services is not sufficient anymore. In dynamic collaboration environment, it not only needs to consider the QoS, functionality, degree of matching, but also the social trust relationship between enterprises. This study proposes a social-trust-based recommendation mechanism for Web services dynamic collaboration. It uses the constraints of Service Level Agreement and Social Trust Network of Web services to recommend proper and trustworthy Web services combinations. Finally, 6 different cases are provided to validate the proposed mechanism. The result of experiments shows that the proposed mechanism is better than the others which only consider QoS or trust. Besides, the recall of the proposed mechanism in all cases is more than 87.5%.
Appears in Collections:Thesis