Title: 應用專利分析前瞻台灣動物用疫苗產業
The Foresight of Taiwan Animal Vaccine Industry
Authors: 李柔燐
Lee, Jou-Lin
Yuan, Jian-Chung
Keywords: 專利分析;動物疫苗;農業生技;Patent Analysis;Animal vaccine;Bio-Agriculture
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 農業生技為近年全球關注且致力發展的新興領域,而動物疫苗為其中應用領域之一,未來發展前景看好。本研究嘗試運用專利分析方法,對於動物疫苗藥領域進行有系統、策略性的專利資訊累積、分類、分析與判讀,了解該領域之專利發展現況與未來趨勢,並進一步解析該領域現有專利權人的專利佈局方式,期許分析結果有助於了解該產業技術演進的概況、發展趨勢或重點,以作為政府決策或台灣相關企業投資與研發佈局之參考。 本研究第一階段針對美國專利商標局資料庫之獲證專利,透過文獻回顧、專利檢索、專利分析等步驟,得出經營管理之專利地圖,發現以基因遺傳工程為主體的疫苗研發技術,例如次單位疫苗、合成胜肽疫苗、基因缺損疫苗、載體疫苗與DNA疫苗等將會是整體產業短期集中研發之趨勢;另外,由於細菌病毒突變迅速,因此動物新興疾病將成為發展重點,而不斷開發新抗原作為疫苗材料亦為一重要課題。第二階段則是對美國專利資料庫與台灣經濟部智慧財產局專利資料庫進行重要豬隻家禽疾病與疫苗技術交叉分析,發現其實台灣廠商研發實力不差,在動物疫苗的研發技術佈局及方向與全球之趨勢有相當的一致性,因此本研究最後提出給台灣政府的建議以及廠商未來可採取的發展方式。
Bio-Agriculture has been an emerging industry and gained global concern in recent years. Animal Vaccines is one of the applications in this field. In order to realize the status and trends of patent development in animal vaccine industry, this study attempts to use patent analysis methods for the field of animal vaccines in a systematic, strategic patent information accumulation, classification, analysis and interpretation, expecting that analysis results help to understand overview of the evolution of the industrial technology, trends or focus as a reference for government decision-making or the layout of enterprises. First, this study use literature review, patent search and patent analysis of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office database agent to obtain the management of the patent map, finding that vaccine production technologies based on genetic engineering will be the R&D trend in short time. Also, developments of new antigens as vaccine materials are another important issues due to rapid mutation of bacteria and viruses. And the second step provides cross-analysis of major porcine and avian diseases along with vaccine technologies, finding that the animal vaccine patent layout of local companies in Taiwan is in accordance with global trend. As a result, this study proposes possible development ways as suggestions to government and companies in Taiwan.
Appears in Collections:Thesis