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dc.contributor.authorTai, Yu-Teen_US
dc.contributor.authorSheu, Jiuh-Biingen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來環保意識的興起,人們開始意識到如何能夠永續發展,低汙染的綠色消費行為已經漸漸成為市場的主流。綠色產品的市場也日益備受重視。而本研究探討的是綠色價值因素是否會對消費者選購綠色產品時造成影響。雖然過去有許多研究也是探討綠色消費的因素,但對於綠色價值這部分卻甚少提及。以往的消費者選擇模式已經無法完整解釋消費者的選擇行為,故本研究希望建立一套新的概念體系,比起以往傳統的個體行為模式研究,本研究加入情感因素來使選擇行為模式更完善。 由於過去綠色產品選擇研究之文獻,大部份均只使用羅吉特模式分析,尚未加入潛在變數探討消費者之選擇行為,為此本研究將模式中綠色價值這部分建立了四個情感因素的構面作為潛在變數加入模式之中,並且比較傳統的選擇模式和潛在變數選擇模式哪個較能準確預測消費者心理之需求。針對綠色商品和非綠色商品供消費者選擇作為探討,最後研究發現加入綠色價值之潛在變數選擇模式較一般傳統的模式更準確的預測了消費者心理之需求。這也證明了綠色價值確實會影響消費者的選擇行為。而在模式中也發現產品屬性中,產品價格和功能對於消費者選購綠色產品之影響程度甚大。消費者之社經變數也會影響購買意願,其中以教育程度和所得有正向的影響關係。最後依據本研究之結果分析,給予政府以及業者有效之建議或是擬定綠色產品之銷售策略之參考,讓綠色消費的概念更能深植人心。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, people care about the environment more and more , The people notice that how could they be sustainable. So the low damage of the green consumption behavior has gradually become the mainstream of the market. And the green products in the market become more and more important. In this study, we will find if the green value would affect the consumers to purchasing green products. In the past, many studies also research the factors of green consumption, but they seldom mentioned about the green value. The traditional consumer choice model can’t explain the behavior of consumer choice fully. So we aim to establish a new concept system of the choice behavior input green value. In order to more understand the consumer behavior. Most past researches relative to preference for purchasing green products used logit model without latent variables. Thus, this research used the latent variable choice model for this case. And in this model, we input the green value which is established of four emotional factors for the latent variables. To comparing the traditional model and the mode of latent variables, which is the better one to predict the really demand of the consumer. We make selections for the consumers to choose the green products or the non-green products. In finally we find that the model which input the green value is the better one more accurately predicted consumer behavior, this also proves that the green value does affect consumer choice behavior. However, we also notice that the products price and function are the two main factors impact on the consumer choice behavior. Consumers' social variables also affect the willingness to purchase the green product, the relationship of the willingness and the income and education is direct ratio. Finally, according to the results of this study, we can give the government and company recommendations and the development of reference about the green products marketing strategies. Let the green consumption in people's minds deeply.en_US
dc.subjectGreen Producten_US
dc.subjectGreen Valueen_US
dc.subjectChoice modelen_US
dc.subjectLatent Variableen_US
dc.titleGreen consumption choice behavior model input green valueen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis