標題: 網路團購之購買行為模式建構
Consuming Behavior Model Construction of Online Group-buying
作者: 劉彥廷
關鍵字: 網路團購;互動;結構方程模型;從眾行為;網路社群信任;網路團購意願;group-buying;interaction;structural equation modeling;conformity;community trust;online group-buying intention
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來因網際網路及電子商務快速發展,網路購物日漸普及,其中網路團購模式成為現今熱門的網路購物模式之一。根據資料顯示,團購活動中人與人互動之過程尤其重要。消費者經由互動使其更貼近在實體店面購物的感覺,許多購物上的不確定、資訊不對稱,皆可由互動彌平。因此本研究以互動為基礎,發展出消費者的網路團購模式。 本研究利用台大批踢踢實業坊做為受測地點,以結構方程模型進行分析,選擇互動、從眾行為、網路社群信任,來探討消費者與其網路團購意願的因果關係。 問卷調查發放326份,有效樣本數為318份,茲發現消費者會期望得到團購活動相關資訊且改善與團購社群平台成員之關係,而去改變其與互動對象互動頻率。且經由互動頻率的改變也正向影響消費者的網路團購意願,以及其對網路社群的信任。除此之外,消費者的網路社群信任也會正向影響其網路團購意願。 透過實證分析結果,本研究建議網路團購社群平台應起一監督的責任,以維護消費者之互動體驗,如此才能促進團購社群平台的永續發展。
The fast the internet develop, the popular the electronic commerce results in. While group-buying mode has become one of today's popular Internet shopping patterns. According to information, the process of interpersonal interaction is especially important. Consumers through interaction make them approach the feeling of shopping in physical stores. Uncertainty and information asymmetry can be eliminated, too. Therefore, this study is based on interaction to develop consuming behavior model construction of online group-buying. This study used PTT as measured location, and the data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling approach. And this paper select interaction, conformity, community trust to examine their casual relationships with group-buying intention. A total of 326 questionnaires were issued and 318 questionnaires were adopted as the effective samples. This study found that consumers expect to get information and improve the relationship with the members of the group-buying community platform, so they try to change their interaction frequency with the interaction object. And changing interaction frequency also affects their group-buying intention, as well as their community trust. Besides, community trust has a positive effect on the group-buying intention. Through empirical analysis, this study suggests that the group-buying community platform should have responsibilities to safeguard consumers' interactive experience, in order to promote sustainable development.
Appears in Collections:Thesis